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One step to perylene monoimides and derived alkynyl bridged photovoltaic acceptors
Dyes and Pigments ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.08.053
Ruiping Qin , Deen Guo , Tullimilli Y. Gopalakrishna , Guangwu Li , Jien Yang , Yurong Jiang , Heng Ma

Here, this study presents a simply synthesis proposal for perylene monoimides with traditional wet solution reaction in one step from commercially available perylene dianhydride and the moderate yield has been got. Their dimmer or ethynylene or butadiynylene bridged perylene derivatives were then developed. The work expanded the structural diversity of these dye molecules to a multifunctional class of n-type semiconductor materials. The high LUMO level (−3.83∼-3.96 eV) reduced the energy loss by associating wide bandgap polymer refer to PC71BM (−4.04 eV). Using these compounds as non-fullerene electron acceptors constructs the inverted solar cells, the power conversion efficiency is up to 1.45% for wide band gap polymer donor with an ultrathin active layer thickness of 30 nm.



在这里,这项研究提出了一种简单的合成建议,即从市售的per二酸酐一步合成具有传统湿溶液反应的per单酰亚胺。然后开发了它们的二聚体或亚乙炔基或丁二炔基桥接的per衍生物。这项工作将这些染料分子的结构多样性扩展到了多功能的n型半导体材料类别。高LUMO含量(-3.83〜-3.96 eV)通过结合宽带隙聚合物PC 71 BM(-​​4.04 eV)降低了能量损失。使用这些化合物作为非富勒烯电子受体构成反向太阳能电池,对于具有30 nm超薄有源层厚度的宽带隙聚合物供体,功率转换效率高达1.45%。
