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Experimental analysis of the performance of new alternative materials for cooling tower fill
Applied Thermal Engineering ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.08.076
A.C.C. Tomás , S.D.O. Araujo , Marcos D. Paes , Ana R.M. Primo , J.A.P. Da Costa , A.A.V. Ochoa

Cooling towers are devices that are commonly used to dissipate the heat produced in power generation units, central air conditioners and industrial processes. The fill is an important part of the cooling tower, because it increases the contact between water and air, thereby improving both the heat and the mass transfer. In this study, an experimental analysis was conducted with a view to comparing the performance of fills of alternative materials such as coconut fiber, coconut husk and PET. The alternative fills were compared with each other and with the industrial fill, taking into the account the following parameters; the cooling, the approach and Effectiveness effect and also the head loss. The experimental data indicated that the alternative fills studied could cool water up to 8 K while commercial fill reached 10 K, under the same conditions. A theoretical study was made which found the Number of Transfer Units (NTU) for each fill tested. The NTU was used as the verification method for the experiments, and the results showed good agreement with each other. The results obtained also show that the fills consumed a similar amount of power and support the use of alternative fills for cooling towers. Therefore, it was proved that alternative fills are interesting as fill for cooling towers.



冷却塔是通常用于散发发电设备,中央空调和工业过程中产生的热量的设备。填充物是冷却塔的重要组成部分,因为它增加了水和空气之间的接触,从而改善了热量和质量传递。在这项研究中,进行了一项实验分析,以比较替代材料(如椰子纤维,椰子壳和PET)的填充性能。在考虑以下参数的情况下,将替代填料相互之间以及与工业填料进行了比较;冷却,进场和效果效果以及头部损失。实验数据表明,在相同条件下,替代填料可以将水冷却到8 K,而商用填料可以达到10K。进行了理论研究,发现每个测试填充物的传输单位数(NTU)。NTU作为实验的验证方法,结果相互之间具有很好的一致性。所获得的结果还表明,填充物消耗了相似的电量,并支持将替代填充物用于冷却塔。因此,证明了替代填充物作为冷却塔填充物是有趣的。
