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Two-Dimensional WO3 Nanosheets Chemically Converted from Layered WS2 for High-Performance Electrochromic Devices
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-16 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b02150
Ashraful Azam 1 , Jungmo Kim 1 , Junyong Park 2 , Travis G. Novak 1 , Anand P. Tiwari 1 , Sung Ho Song 3 , Bumsoo Kim 1 , Seokwoo Jeon 1

Two-dimensional (2D) transitional metal oxides (TMOs) are an attractive class of materials due to the combined advantages of high active surface area, enhanced electrochemical properties, and stability. Among the 2D TMOs, 2D tungsten oxide (WO3) nanosheets possess great potential in electrochemical applications, particularly in electrochromic (EC) devices. However, feasible production of 2D WO3 nanosheets is challenging due to the innate 3D crystallographic structure of WO3. Here we report a novel solution-phase synthesis of 2D WO3 nanosheets through simple oxidation from 2D tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanosheets exfoliated from bulk WS2 powder. The complete conversion from WS2 into WO3 was confirmed through crystallographic and elemental analyses, followed by validation of the 2D WO3 nanosheets applied in the EC device. The EC device showed color modulation of 62.57% at 700 nm wavelength, which is 3.43 times higher than the value of the conventional device using bulk WO3 powder, while also showing enhancement of ∼46.62% and ∼62.71% in switching response-time (coloration and bleaching). The mechanism of enhancement was rationalized through comparative analysis based on the thickness of the WO3 components. In the future, 2D WO3 nanosheets could also be used for other promising applications such as sensors, catalysis, thermoelectric, and energy conversion.


从分层WS 2化学转化为高性能电致变色器件的二维WO 3纳米片

二维(2D)过渡金属氧化物(TMO)由于具有高活性表面积,增强的电化学性能和稳定性等优点而成为一类有吸引力的材料。在2D TMO中,2D氧化钨(WO 3)纳米片在电化学应用中具有巨大潜力,尤其是在电致变色(EC)器件中。然而,可行的生产2D的WO 3个纳米片是由于WO先天三维晶体结构具有挑战性3。在这里,我们报告了通过从大量WS 2粉末中剥落的2D二硫化钨(WS 2)纳米片进行简单的氧化来合成2D WO 3纳米片的新型溶液相合成方法。来自WS的完整转换2成WO 3通过结晶和元素分析证实,随后由2D的验证WO 3个在EC装置施加纳米片。EC器件在700 nm波长处显示出62.57%的色彩调制,这是使用块状WO 3粉末的常规器件的色彩调制值的3.43倍,同时还显示出开关响应时间提高了〜46.62%和〜62.71%(着色和漂白)。通过基于WO 3组分的厚度的比较分析,使增强机理合理化。将来,二维WO 3纳米片还可以用于其他有希望的应用,例如传感器,催化,热电和能量转换。