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ChemCatChem ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-22 11:12:30 , DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201501391
Yong Yang 1 , Wanmei Li 1 , Chengcai Xia 1 , Beibei Ying 1 , Chao Shen 1 , Pengfei Zhang 1

The Front Cover shows two different methods to accomplish C−S bond formation for highly effective synthesis of C2- and C3-sulfonylindoles. In their Communication, Y. Yang et al. demonstrate an unprecedented regioselective sulfonylation reaction of indoles with sodium sulfinates through electrophilic addition to copper and nucleophilic attack of p-toluenesulfonyl iodides. The two facile and efficient strategies use copper salt and iodide catalysts, respectively, and this method features easy operation, excellent yields, and cheap catalysts. The current investigation gave significant directive to promote further study of synthetic regioselectivity. More information can be found in the Communication by Y. Yang et al. on page 304 in Issue 2, 2016 (DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201500917).



封面显示了两种不同的方法来完成C-S键的形成,以高效合成C2-和C3-磺酰化吲哚。在他们的交流中,Y。Yang等人。通过对铜的亲电加成和对-甲苯磺酰碘的亲核攻击,证明了吲哚与亚磺酸钠的前所未有的区域选择性磺酰化反应。这两种简便有效的策略分别使用铜盐和碘化物催化剂,该方法具有易于操作,产率高和催化剂便宜的特点。当前的研究给出了重要的指导,以促进合成区域选择性的进一步研究。可以在Y. Yang等人的来文中找到更多信息。在2016年第2期的第304页上 (DOI:10.1002 / cctc.201500917)。