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The role of Au, Cu & CeO2 and their interactions for an enhanced WGS performance
Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy ( IF 20.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-22 09:25:44
T.R. Reina, S. Ivanova, M.A. Centeno, J.A. Odriozola

The WGS reaction over multicomponent Au/Ce1-xCuxO2/Al2O3 catalysts is studied in this work. The systems are carefully designed aiming to take advantage of every active phase included in the formulation: gold, ceria and copper. Special emphasis is given to the CeO2-CuO synergy and its influence on the displayed catalytic performance with and without gold. To this aim a meaningful correlation between the physicochemical properties of the mixed materials and their activity/stability is proposed. In general terms the developed catalysts present high activity under realistic WGS reaction conditions, with fairly good long term stability. In addition, the systems successfully withstand start-up/shut-downs situations, indispensable requisite for real applications in the field of pure hydrogen production for fuel cell goals.



在这项工作中研究了在多组分Au / Ce 1-x Cu x O 2 / Al 2 O 3催化剂上的WGS反应。该系统经过精心设计,旨在利用配方中包含的每个活性相:金,氧化铈和铜。特别强调CeO 2-有或没有金时,CuO协同作用及其对显示的催化性能的影响。为了这个目的,提出了混合材料的物理化学性质与其活性/稳定性之间的有意义的关联。一般而言,已开发的催化剂在实际的WGS反应条件下表现出高活性,并具有相当好的长期稳定性。此外,该系统成功地经受了启动/关闭的情况,这对于在纯氢生产领域中实际应用对于燃料电池而言是必不可少的。