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Enhancement of the adaptability of anammox granules to zinc shock by appropriate organic carbon treatment
Bioresource Technology ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.08.035
Lingfeng Ni , Yayi Wang , Ximao Lin , Yuan Yan , Yao Zhang , Weigang Wang

Heavy metals, which are commonly present in high ammonia-containing wastewater, can cause inhibitory effects to anammox reaction. This study proposes a novel approach to enhance the adaptability of anammox granules to heavy metal [Zn(II)] shock by organic carbon (sodium acetate, NaAc) treatment, paying special attention to optimization of the treatment dosage and duration. For granules treated with 200 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L NaAc for 2 d, the activity recovery (six cycles) efficiency after Zn(II) (40 mg/L) shock reached 127.4%. The extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production increased by 168% and heterotrophic bacteria mildly proliferated (increased by 14%) in such granules compared with the control. The dramatic recovery capacity was likely due to the entrapment and barrier function of EPS and the outer-layer proliferated heterotrophic bacteria. This finding offers a useful process to enable maximum adaptability of anammox granules from heavy metals shocks, allowing anammox technology to be more widely applied.



高含氨废水中通常存在的重金属可能对厌氧氨氧化反应产生抑制作用。这项研究提出了一种新方法,以通过有机碳(乙酸钠,NaAc)处理来增强厌氧氨氧化颗粒对重金属[Zn(II)]冲击的适应性,并特别注意优化处理剂量和持续时间。对于用200 mg化学需氧量(COD)/ L NaAc处理2 d的颗粒,Zn(II)(40 mg / L)冲击后的活性恢复(六个周期)效率达到127.4%。与对照相比,这些颗粒中的细胞外聚合物(EPS)产量增加​​了168%,异养细菌温和增殖(增加了14%)。巨大的恢复能力可能是由于EPS和外层增殖的异养细菌的截留和屏障功能。这一发现提供了一种有用的方法,可以最大程度地适应重金属冲击产生的厌氧氨氧化颗粒,从而使厌氧氨氧化技术得到更广泛的应用。
