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Mechano-Luminescent Behavior of a Pyridine-Containing Anthracene Derivative: Role of Aromatic Stacking Interactions
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-09 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00271
G. Gogoi 1 , D. Kashyap 1 , R. J. Sarma 1

Isonicotinic acid anthracen-9-ylmethylene-hydrazide (AI), prepared from anthracene-9-carboxaldehyde and isoniazid, exhibited mechano-responsive luminescent emissions; for instance, gentle pressing of the weakly emissive crystals of AIem 527 nm) produced a yellow-green emissive material (λem 540 nm). Also, the mechano-luminescent emissions of AI could be easily switched “off” upon exposure to N,N-dimethylformamide. Contrastingly, under the same conditions, benzoic acid anthracen-9-ylmethylene-hydrazide (AB) did not exhibit mechano-responsive luminescent emissions. On the basis of UV–vis, fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies, we suggest that mechano-luminescent emissions of AI were triggered by mechanically induced deformations in the lattice, which affected the intermolecular interactions and aromatic stacking behavior. Again, the mechano-luminescent emissions of AI were switched off when mixed with oxalic acid, although accompanied by a concomitant change in color, from yellow-green to red. Single crystal XRD studies provided vital insights into the interactions of AI with oxalic acid, highlighting the role of hydrogen bonding and anion-mediated aromatic-π interactions.



由蒽-9-甲醛和异烟肼制得的异烟酸蒽-9-亚甲基酰肼(AI)表现出机械响应的发光。例如,轻轻压制AI的微弱发射晶体(λem 527 nm)会产生黄绿色发射材料(λem 540 nm)。同样,暴露于NN-二甲基甲酰胺时,可以轻松地“关闭” AI的机械发光发射。相反,在相同条件下,苯甲酸蒽-9-基亚甲基酰肼(AB)没有表现出机械响应性发光。在紫外可见,荧光,傅里叶变换红外光谱和粉末X射线衍射(XRD)研究的基础上,我们建议AI的机械发光发射是由晶格中的机械诱导变形触发的,这影响了分子间的相互作用和芳香堆积行为。同样,当与草酸混合时,AI的机械发光被关闭,尽管伴随着颜色的变化,从黄绿色变为红色。单晶XRD研究提供了AI与草酸相互作用的重要见解,突出了氢键和阴离子介导的芳族π相互作用的作用。