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Kinetic Study of the Enzymatic Synthesis of 2-Phenylethyl Acetate in Discontinuous Tank Reactor
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-09 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b02058
Asunción M. Hidalgo 1 , Arturo Sánchez 1 , José Luis Gómez 1 , Elisa Gómez 1 , María Gómez 1 , María Dolores Murcia 1

There is increasing interest in new processes to produce aromatics labeled as “natural”, and as a consequence, enzymatic processes, in some organic solvent or in solvent-free medium, have been developed. This paper offers a kinetic study of lipase-catalyzed transesterification for synthesizing 2-phenylethyl acetate in a batch reactor using Novozym 435 and hexane as solvent. The influence of five variables on conversion is studied. A pseudo-first-order kinetic model, derived as a simplification of bisubstrate ping-pong kinetics, is presented. The amount of catalyst was the variable most affecting kinetic and yield, while initial substrate concentration had little effect on the reaction kinetic. The yield increased gradually as the molar ratio increased and was more pronounced with vinyl acetate than 2-phenethyl alcohol. Michaelis constants of both substrates and maximum reaction rate, for the range of assayed experimental conditions of temperature, stirring speed, and enzyme concentration, were determined and compared with others in the literature. Finally, the proposed kinetic model was validated with high correlation coefficients.



对生产标记为“天然”芳族化合物的新方法的兴趣日益增加,因此,已经开发了在某些有机溶剂或无溶剂介质中的酶促方法。本文提供了使用Novozym 435和己烷为溶剂,在间歇式反应器中脂肪酶催化的酯交换反应合成2-苯基乙酸乙酯的动力学研究。研究了五个变量对转换的影响。提出了一种伪一阶动力学模型,该模型是双底乒乓动力学的简化形式。催化剂的量是最影响动力学和产率的变量,而初始底物浓度对反应动力学影响很小。随着摩尔比的增加,产率逐渐增加,并且乙酸乙烯酯比2-苯乙醇更明显。在温度,搅拌速度和酶浓度的测定实验条件范围内,确定了两种底物的米氏常数和最大反应速率,并将其与文献中的其他值进行了比较。最后,所提出的动力学模型具有较高的相关系数。