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Imperceptible electrooculography graphene sensor system for human–robot interface
npj 2D Materials and Applications ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41699-018-0064-4
Shideh Kabiri Ameri , Myungsoo Kim , Irene Agnes Kuang , Withanage K. Perera , Mohammed Alshiekh , Hyoyoung Jeong , Ufuk Topcu , Deji Akinwande , Nanshu Lu

Electrooculography (EOG) is a method to record the electrical potential between the cornea and the retina of human eyes. Despite many applications of EOG in both research and medical diagnosis for many decades, state-of-the-art EOG sensors are still bulky, stiff, and uncomfortable to wear. Since EOG has to be measured around the eye, a prominent area for appearance with delicate skin, mechanically and optically imperceptible EOG sensors are highly desirable. Here, we report an imperceptible EOG sensor system based on noninvasive graphene electronic tattoos (GET), which are ultrathin, ultrasoft, transparent, and breathable. The GET EOG sensors can be easily laminated around the eyes without using any adhesives and they impose no constraint on blinking or facial expressions. High-precision EOG with an angular resolution of 4° of eye movement can be recorded by the GET EOG and eye movement can be accurately interpreted. Imperceptible GET EOG sensors have been successfully applied for human–robot interface (HRI). To demonstrate the functionality of GET EOG sensors for HRI, we connected GET EOG sensors to a wireless transmitter attached to the collar such that we can use eyeball movements to wirelessly control a quadcopter in real time.



眼动描记法(EOG)是一种记录人眼角膜和视网膜之间电势的方法。尽管EOG在研究和医学诊断中已有许多应用,但最先进的EOG传感器仍然笨重,坚硬且不舒适。由于必须在眼睛周围测量EOG,因此非常需要具有显着皮肤外观的突出区域,机械上和光学上不易察觉的EOG传感器。在这里,我们报告基于超薄,超软,透明和透气的无创石墨烯电子纹身(GET)的不可感知的EOG传感器系统。GET EOG传感器可以很容易地层压在眼睛周围,而无需使用任何粘合剂,并且它们对眨眼或面部表情没有任何限制。GET EOG可以记录眼动角度为4°的高精度EOG,并且可以准确地解释眼动。难以察觉的GET EOG传感器已成功应用于人机界面(HRI)。为了演示用于HRI的GET EOG传感器的功能,我们将GET EOG传感器连接到连接到衣领的无线发射器,这样我们就可以使用眼球运动实时地无线控制四轴飞行器。
