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3D Printing of Silk Particle-Reinforced Chitosan Hydrogel Structures and Their Properties
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-20 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00804
Jun Zhang 1 , Benjamin J. Allardyce 1 , Rangam Rajkhowa 1 , Yan Zhao 2 , Rodney J. Dilley 3 , Sharon L. Redmond 3 , Xungai Wang 1 , Xin Liu 1

Hydrogel bioprinting is a major area of focus in the field of tissue engineering. However, 3D printed hydrogel scaffolds often suffer from low printing accuracy and poor mechanical properties because of their soft nature and tendency to shrink. This makes it challenging to process them into structural materials. In this study, natural chitosan hydrogel scaffolds were, for the first time, reinforced with milled silk particles and fabricated by 3D printing. Compared with pure chitosan scaffolds, the addition of silk particles resulted in up to a 5-fold increase in compressive modulus as well as significantly better printing accuracy and improved scaffold stability. The chitosan/silk inks flowed well during printing; loading of up to 300% silk (w/w) resulted in only minor changes in the rheological properties of the ink. Particle loading also enabled tuning of the surface roughness of the scaffolds and improved scaffolds’ biodegradability. The printed composite hydrogel scaffolds showed no cytotoxicity and supported adherence and growth of human fibroblast cells.



水凝胶生物打印是组织工程领域的主要重点领域。然而,由于3D打印的水凝胶支架的柔软特性和收缩的趋势,其经常遭受打印精度低和机械性能差的困扰。这使得将它们加工成结构材料具有挑战性。在这项研究中,天然的壳聚糖水凝胶支架首次通过研磨的丝状颗粒增强,并通过3D打印制造。与纯壳聚糖支架相比,添加蚕丝颗粒可使压缩模量增加多达5倍,并且印刷精度显着提高,支架稳定性得到改善。壳聚糖/丝绸油墨在印刷过程中流动良好;加载高达300%的真丝(w / w)只会导致墨水的流变特性发生微小的变化。颗粒负载还使得能够调节支架的表面粗糙度并改善了支架的生物降解性。印刷的复合水凝胶支架没有细胞毒性,并支持人成纤维细胞的粘附和生长。