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Tuning the Valency of Heterogeneous Au–Silica Nanostructure via Controlled Ostwald Ripening Process
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-31 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04237
Yi Luo 1 , Shenghao Geng 1 , Lacie Dube 1 , Jing Zhao 1, 2

Morphology control of interfaced heterogeneous nanostructure composed of two different materials is critical for achieving desired properties of the nanostructures. With heterogeneous Au–silica system as a case study, we explored the reaction mechanism that controlled the number of overgrown silica domains on Au nanoparticle seeds. We discovered in our system that three factors dominated the overgrowth of silica on gold surface: (a) gold core size, (b) wettability of the surface of the Au core (controlled by the amount of ligands), and (c) reaction kinetics of hydrolysis of the silica precursor. In particular, the latter two played distinct roles in triggering different extents of Ostwald ripening and contributed to the symmetry breaking of the morphology of the final product from core–shell to core–satellite. Specifically, poly(acrylic acid) ligand decreased the local wettability of the Au nanoparticle surface and resulted in discrete domain growth. Adequate wetting introduced by 3-mercaptopropionic acid/cetyltrimethylammonium ligands lowered the Au–silica interface energy and stabilized the silica domain in the later growth stage. After the initial nucleation process, depending on the surface wettability and reaction kinetics, Ostwald ripening of silica was triggered by the depletion field and certain number of domains survived after the ripening process. By tuning the core size, surface wettability, and reaction kinetics, Au–silica heterogeneous structure with desired number of silica domains can be achieved. Since Ostwald ripening happens in many systems, including metal, metal oxide, and semiconductors, our findings can provide guidance to the synthesis of a wide span of heterogeneous structures.


