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Multivariate and Multiscale Approaches for Interpreting the Mechanisms of Nitrous Oxide Emission during Pig Manure–Wheat Straw Aerobic Composting
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b02958
Jinyi Ge 1 , Guangqun Huang 1 , Junbao Li 1 , Xiaoxi Sun 1 , Lujia Han 1

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission during composting causes nitrogen loss and air pollution. The interpretation of N2O emission mechanisms will help to customize composting strategies that mitigate climate change. At pile and particle scales, this study characterized N2O emission-related variables (gases, ions, and microbes) and their correlations during pig manure–wheat straw aerobic composting. Pile-scale results showed that N2O emission mainly occurred in mesophilic, thermophilic, and cooling phases; the nitrification by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) coexisted with the denitrification by denitrificans (DEN); the major NOB and DEN were Nitrobacter (NOB_Nba) and Thiobacillus denitrificans (DEN_Tb), respectively. The mechanisms of nitrification, nitrifier denitrification, and anaerobic denitrification in composting particles were initially visualized by confocal laser scanning microscopy: Betaproteobacteria (AOB_Beta) sporadically distributed on the outer area of the particles, NOB_Nba internally attached to AOB_Beta, and Nitrosomonas europea/Nitrosomonas eutropha (AOB_eu) and DEN_Tb concentrated in the interior. Correlation analysis of the variables showed that the distribution area of AOB_eu was proportional to N2O emission (R2 = 0.84); AOB not only participated in nitrification but also nitrifier denitrification, and N2O formation was mainly from nitrifier denitrification by AOB_eu during the mesophilic–thermophilic phase and from denitrification by AOB_eu and DEN during the cooling phase.



堆肥过程中排放的一氧化二氮(N 2 O)导致氮损失和空气污染。对N 2 O排放机制的解释将有助于定制缓解气候变化的堆肥策略。在堆肥和颗粒规模,这项研究描述了猪粪-小麦秸秆需氧堆肥过程中与N 2 O排放相关的变量(气体,离子和微生物)及其相关性。堆垢结果表明,N 2 O的排放主要发生在中温,嗜热和冷却阶段。氨氧化细菌(AOB)和亚硝酸盐氧化细菌(NOB)的硝化与反硝化剂(DEN)的反硝化并存;专业NOBDEN分别是硝化细菌NOB_Nba)和反硝化硫杆菌DEN_Tb)。最初通过共聚焦激光扫描显微镜观察堆肥颗粒中硝化,硝化反硝化和厌氧性反硝化的机理:β变形细菌AOB _ Beta)零星分布在颗粒的外部区域,NOB_Nba内部附着在AOB _ Beta上欧洲硝基甲烷/富营养亚硝化单胞菌AOB_eu)和DEN_Tb集中在内部。变量的相关分析表明,AOB_eu的分布面积与N 2 O的排放成正比(R 2 = 0.84)。AOB不仅参与硝化作用,而且参与硝化器的反硝化作用,而N 2 O的形成主要来自中温-嗜热相期间AOB_eu的硝化剂反硝化作用以及冷却阶段由AOB_euDEN进行的反硝化作用