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A 3.4 V Layered VOPO4 Cathode for Na-Ion Batteries
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-04 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b04605
Guang He 1 , Wang Hay Kan 1 , Arumugam Manthiram 1

Vanadyl phostate (VOPO4) with a layered structure was successfully prepared by chemical delithiation of the tetragonal αI-LiVOPO4 at room temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies show the resulting VOPO4 has a crystal structure similar to αI-LiVOPO4. The V4+/V5+ redox couple exhibits a discharge plateau around 3.5 V vs Na/Na+ in sodium cells. The sample offers a capacity of ∼110 mAh g–1 (0.67 Na+) without any conductive coating and ∼150 mAh g–1 (0.90 Na+) with a preliminary optimization with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanosheets. The electrochemically sodiated VOPO4 electrodes show XRD patterns similar to the chemically sodiated VOPO4, indicating the formation of the same product by the two sodiation processes. Bond valence sum (BVS) map calculations suggest that sodium ions likely take the sites between two adjacent VOPO4 sheets. Rietveld refinement of the chemically sodiated Na0.8VOPO4 indicate that the sodium ions could take the 8j sites similar to the lithium ions in αI-LiVOPO4. This new layered VOPO4 is a competitive cathode candidate among the polyanion cathodes for sodium-ion batteries.


用于钠离子电池的3.4 V分层VOPO 4阴极

氧钒phostate(VOPO 4)具有层状结构成功地由四方晶α的化学脱锂制备-LiVOPO 4在室温下。X射线衍射(XRD)研究表明所得VOPO 4具有类似于α的晶体结构-LiVOPO 4。与钠电池中的Na / Na +相比,V 4+ / V 5+氧化还原对表现出约3.5 V的放电平稳期。该样品的容量约为110 mAh g –1(0.67 Na +),无任何导电涂层,而容量约为150 mAh g –1(0.90 Na +),并使用还原的氧化石墨烯(rGO)纳米片进行了初步优化。电化学法制得的VOPO 4电极显示出与化学法制得的VOPO 4相似的XRD图谱,表明通过两种制酸过程形成了相同的产物。键合价和(BVS)谱图计算表明,钠离子可能占据了两个相邻VOPO 4薄板之间的位置。化学sodiated的Na Rietveld精修0.8 VOPO 4表明,钠离子可以采取8 Ĵ类似于锂离子在α位点-LiVOPO 4。这款新的分层VOPO 4 在钠离子电池的聚阴离子阴极中,它是竞争性的阴极候选材料。