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Investigation of Receptor-Mediated Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Transport across the Inner Blood–Retinal Barrier Using Fluorescence-Labeled Cyanocobalamin
Molecular Pharmaceutics ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-02 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.8b00617
Yuri Kinoshita 1 , Kagayaki Nogami , Ryuta Jomura 1 , Shin-ichi Akanuma 1 , Hajime Abe , Masahiko Inouye , Yoshiyuki Kubo 1 , Ken-ichi Hosoya 1

The blood-to-retina supply of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) across the blood–retinal barrier (BRB) was investigated by synthesizing a fluorescence-labeled cyanocobalamin (Cy5-cyanocobalamin). In the in vivo analysis following internal jugular injection of Cy5-cyanocobalamin, confocal microscopy showed the distribution of Cy5-cyanocobalamin in the inner plexiform layer (IPL), the outer plexiform layer (OPL), and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In the in vitro analysis with TR-iBRB2 cells, an in vitro model cell line of the inner BRB, Cy5-cyanocobalamin uptake by TR-iBRB2 cells exhibited a time-dependent increase after preincubation with transcobalamin II (TCII) protein, during its residual uptake without preincubation with TCII protein. The Cy5-cyanocobalamin uptake by TR-iBRB2 cells was significantly reduced in the presence of unlabeled cyanocobalamin, chlorpromazine, and chloroquine and was also significantly reduced under Ca2+-free conditions. Confocal microscopy of the TR-iBRB2 cells showed fluorescence signals of Cy5-cyanocobalamin and GFP-TCII protein, and these signals merged with each other. The RT-PCR, Western blot, and immunohistochemistry clearly suggested the expression of TCII receptor (TCII-R) in the inner and outer BRB. These results suggested the involvement of receptor-mediated endocytosis in the blood-to-retina transport of cyanocobalamin at the inner BRB with implying its possible involvement at the outer BRB.


用荧光标记的氰钴胺介导受体介导的氰钴胺(维生素B 12)跨内血-视网膜屏障的运输的研究

通过合成荧光标记的氰钴胺素(Cy5-cyanocobalamin),研究了跨血-视网膜屏障(BRB)的血液向视网膜中的氰钴胺素(维生素B 12)供应。在颈内注射Cy5-cyanocobalamin后的体内分析中,共聚焦显微镜显示Cy5-cyanocobalamin在内部丛状层(IPL),外部丛状层(OPL)和视网膜色素上皮(RPE)中的分布。在体外与TR-iBRB2细胞,分析在体外在内部BRB的模型细胞系中,TR-iBRB2细胞对Cy5-cyanocobalamin的摄取在与transcobalamin II(TCII)蛋白质预孵育后,在其残留摄取而未与TCII蛋白质预先孵育的过程中,表现出随时间的增加。在未标记的氰钴胺素,氯丙嗪和氯喹存在下,TR-iBRB2细胞对Cy5-cyanocobalamin的摄取显着降低,在Ca 2+下也显着降低无条件。TR-iBRB2细胞的共聚焦显微镜检查显示Cy5-cyanocobalamin和GFP-TCII蛋白的荧光信号,并且这些信号相互融合。RT-PCR,Western印迹和免疫组化清楚地表明了内,外BRB中TCII受体(TCII-R)的表达。这些结果表明,受体介导的内吞作用参与了内部BRB的氰钴胺素从血液到视网膜的运输,这暗示了其可能参与了外部BRB。