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BaLiZn3B3O9: a Mixed‐Cation KBe2BO3F2‐Type Zinc‐Borate with a (LiZn3B3O9)∞ Network
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-20 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201800665
Meihong Duan 1 , Mingjun Xia 2 , Rukang Li 1

The mixed‐cation KBe2BO3F2‐type polyborate, BaLiZn3B3O9, has been obtained. It was constituted by a three‐dimensional (LiZn3B3O9) network with perpendicularly connected (LiZn3B3O16) layers. Within each single layer, a KBe2BO3F2‐type six‐membered ring structure is perfectly maintained. In the structure of BaLiZn3B3O9, the interlayer connection between adjacent (LiZn3B3O16) layers contains not only Ba–O ionic bonds but also Zn‐O covalent bonds, which help to overcome the plate‐like growth nature of KBe2BO3F2‐type polyborates.



已获得混合阳离子KBe 2 BO 3 F 2型多硼酸盐BaLiZn 3 B 3 O 9。它由具有垂直连接的(LiZn 3 B 3 O 16层的三维(LiZn 3 B 3 O 9网络组成。在每个单层中,都完美地保留了KBe 2 BO 3 F 2型六元环结构。BaLiZn 3 B 3 O 9的结构相邻(LiZn之间的层间连接33 ö 16层不仅含有的Ba-O离子键,而且Zn-O类的共价键,以克服其帮助板状的KBE生长性质2 BO 3 ˚F 2 -类型多硼酸盐。