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Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase and T7 Exonuclease-Aided Amplification Strategy for Ultrasensitive Detection of Uracil-DNA Glycosylase
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-18 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b01928
Yi-Chen Du 1, 2 , Yun-Xi Cui 1 , Xiao-Yu Li 1 , Guo-Ying Sun 1 , Yu-Peng Zhang 1 , An-Na Tang 1 , Kwangil Kim 2, 3 , De-Ming Kong 1, 2

As one of the key initiators of the base excision repair process, uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) plays an important role in maintaining genomic integrity. It has been found that aberrant expression of UDG is associated with a variety of diseases. Thus, accurate and sensitive detection of UDG activity is of critical significance for biomedical research and early clinical diagnosis. Here, we developed a novel fluorescent sensing platform for UDG activity detection based on a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) and T7 exonuclease (T7 Exo)-aided recycling amplification strategy. In this strategy, only two DNA oligonucleotides (DNA substrate containing one uracil base and Poly dT probe labeled with a fluorophore/quencher pair) are used. UDG catalyzes the removal of uracil base from the enclosed dumbbell-shape DNA substrate to give an apyrimidinic site, at which the substrate oligonucleotide is cleaved by endonuclease IV. The released 3′-end can be elongated by TdT to form a long deoxyadenine-rich (Poly dA) tail, which may be used as a recyclable template to initiate T7 Exo-mediated hybridization–digestion cycles of the Poly dT probe, giving a significantly enhanced fluorescence output. The proposed UDG-sensing strategy showed excellent selectivity and high sensitivity with a detection limit of 1.5 × 10–4 U/mL. The sensing platform was also demonstrated to work well for UDG inhibitor screening and inhibitory activity evaluation, thus holding great potential in UDG-related disease diagnosis and drug discovery. The proposed strategy can be easily used for the detection of other DNA repair-related enzymes by simply changing the recognition site in DNA substrate and might also be extended to the analysis of some DNA/RNA-processing enzymes, including restriction endonuclease, DNA methyltransferase, polynucleotide kinase, and so on.



作为碱基切除修复过程的关键发起者之一,尿嘧啶DNA糖基化酶(UDG)在维持基因组完整性方面起着重要作用。已经发现UDG的异常表达与多种疾病有关。因此,准确,灵敏地检测UDG活性对于生物医学研究和早期临床诊断至关重要。在这里,我们开发了一种基于末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶(TdT)和T7核酸外切酶(T7 Exo)辅助回收扩增策略的UDG活性检测的新型荧光传感平台。在此策略中,仅使用两个DNA寡核苷酸(包含一个尿嘧啶碱基的DNA底物和标记有荧光团/猝灭剂对的Poly dT探针)。UDG催化从封闭的哑铃形DNA底物上去除尿嘧啶碱基,从而得到一个嘧啶环糊精位点,在该位点,底物寡核苷酸被核酸内切酶IV裂解。释放的3'末端可被TdT延长,形成一条长的富含脱氧腺嘌呤(Poly dA)的尾巴,可将其用作可回收利用的模板,以启动Poly dT探针的T7 Exo介导的杂交-消化循环,从而获得显着增强了荧光输出。拟议的UDG传感策略具有出色的选择性和高灵敏度,检测限为1.5×10 它可以用作可回收模板,以启动Poly dT探针的T7 Exo介导的杂交-消化循环,从而显着增强荧光输出。拟议的UDG传感策略具有出色的选择性和高灵敏度,检测限为1.5×10 它可以用作可回收模板,以启动Poly dT探针的T7 Exo介导的杂交-消化循环,从而显着增强荧光输出。拟议的UDG传感策略具有出色的选择性和高灵敏度,检测限为1.5×10–4 U / mL。该传感平台还被证明可以很好地用于UDG抑制剂的筛选和抑制活性评估,因此在与UDG相关的疾病诊断和药物发现方面具有巨大的潜力。只需更改DNA底物中的识别位点,即可轻松将拟议的策略用于检测其他与DNA修复相关的酶,并且还可以扩展到分析某些DNA / RNA处理酶,包括限制性内切核酸酶,DNA甲基转移酶,多核苷酸激酶等。