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Simultaneous Micropatterning of Fibrous Meshes and Bioinks for the Fabrication of Living Tissue Constructs.
Advanced Healthcare Materials ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-17 , DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201800418
Mylène de Ruijter 1, 2 , Alexandre Ribeiro 1, 2 , Inge Dokter 1, 2 , Miguel Castilho 1, 2, 3 , Jos Malda 1, 2, 4

Fabrication of biomimetic tissues holds much promise for the regeneration of cells or organs that are lost or damaged due to injury or disease. To enable the generation of complex, multicellular tissues on demand, the ability to design and incorporate different materials and cell types needs to be improved. Two techniques are combined: extrusion-based bioprinting, which enables printing of cell-encapsulated hydrogels; and melt electrowriting (MEW), which enables fabrication of aligned (sub)-micrometer fibers into a single-step biofabrication process. Composite structures generated by infusion of MEW fiber structures with hydrogels have resulted in mechanically and biologically competent constructs; however, their preparation involves a two-step fabrication procedure that limits freedom of design of microfiber architectures and the use of multiple materials and cell types. How convergence of MEW and extrusion-based bioprinting allows fabrication of mechanically stable constructs with the spatial distributions of different cell types without compromising cell viability and chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells is demonstrated for the first time. Moreover, this converged printing approach improves freedom of design of the MEW fibers, enabling 3D fiber deposition. This is an important step toward biofabrication of voluminous and complex hierarchical structures that can better resemble the characteristics of functional biological tissues.



仿生组织的制造为因损伤或疾病而丢失或损坏的细胞或器官的再生带来了很大希望。为了能够按需生成复杂的多细胞组织,需要提高设计和整合不同材料和细胞类型的能力。两种技术相结合:基于挤出的生物打印,可以打印细胞封装的水凝胶;和熔体电写入(MEW),它可以在一步生物制造过程中制造对齐的(亚)微米纤维。通过将 MEW 纤维结构与水凝胶注入而产生的复合结构已经产生了机械和生物学能力的结构;然而,它们的制备涉及两步制造程序,限制了微纤维结构设计的自由度以及多种材料和细胞类型的使用。首次证明了 MEW 和基于挤出的生物打印的融合如何能够制造具有不同细胞类型空间分布的机械稳定结构,而不影响细胞活力和间充质基质细胞的软骨分化。此外,这种聚合打印方法提高了 MEW 纤维的设计自由度,从而实现 3D 纤维沉积。这是朝着生物制造大量复杂的分层结构迈出的重要一步,这些结构可以更好地模拟功能性生物组织的特征。