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Isolation, characterization, and application of a novel specific Salmonella bacteriophage in different food matrices
Food Research International ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.05.071
Chenxi Huang 1 , Jianchun Shi 1 , Wenjuan Ma 1 , Zhi Li 1 , Jia Wang 2 , Jinquan Li 1 , Xiaohong Wang 2

Application of bacteriophages to eliminate foodborne pathogens in food matrices is an emerging research field. In this study, a promising phage candidate specific for Salmonella strains was screened and its ability to decrease Salmonella counts in some food, such as milk, sausage, and lettuce, was investigated. A total of 58 Salmonella phages were isolated from a wastewater treatment plant, sewage near a river, farm ditch near a lake, and poultry house. Among them, phages LPST10, LPST18, and LPST23 were highly efficient in infecting Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC 14028. In particular, phage LPST10 could infect all the tested Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis strains with high efficiency. Bacterial challenge tests revealed that phage LPST10 and its combination with phages LPST18 and LPST23 could consistently inhibit the growth of multiple strains. Phage LPST10 presented a lysis time of about 50 min with a burst size of 101 PFU/CFU, exhibited two distinct phases in the one-step growth curve, and was stable at a pH range of 3–13 that corresponds to the pH of most of the foods (pH 3.5–7.5) and at temperatures between 30 °C and 60 °C. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that phage LPST10 belongs to the Siphoviridae family, with an icosahedral head with a diameter of 83.26 nm and tail length and width of approximately 144.89 nm and 10.9 nm, respectively. A significant decrease in the bacterial counts (0.92–5.12 log10 CFU/sample) and an increase in phage titers (0–2.96 log10 PFU/sample) were observed in different food matrices tested. These results demonstrated that phage LPST10 is a promising candidate for controlling Salmonella contamination in foods owing to its safety and effectiveness.



应用噬菌体消除食品基质中的食源性病原体是一个新兴的研究领域。在这项研究中,筛选了一种针对沙门氏菌菌株的有前景的候选噬菌体,并研究了其减少某些食品(例如牛奶、香肠和生菜)中沙门氏菌数量的能力。从污水处理厂、河边污水、湖边农田沟渠、禽舍等处共分离到58株沙门氏菌噬菌体。其中,噬菌体LPST10、LPST18和LPST23能够高效感染伤寒沙门氏菌ATCC 14028。特别是,噬菌体LPST10能够高效感染所有测试的伤寒沙门氏菌和肠炎沙门氏菌菌株。细菌攻击测试表明,噬菌体LPST10及其与噬菌体LPST18和LPST23的组合能够持续抑制多种菌株的生长。噬菌体 LPST10 的裂解时间约为 50 分钟,突发大小为 101 PFU/CFU,在一步生长曲线中表现出两个不同的阶段,并且在 3-13 的 pH 范围(与大多数细菌的 pH 相对应)下保持稳定。食品(pH 3.5–7.5)和温度在 30 °C 至 60 °C 之间。透射电镜显示噬菌体LPST10属于Siphoviridae家族,具有二十面体头部,直径为83.26 nm,尾部长度和宽度分别约为144.89 nm和10.9 nm。在不同的测试食品基质中观察到细菌计数显着下降(0.92–5.12 log 10 CFU/样品)和噬菌体滴度增加(0–2.96 log 10 PFU/样品)。 这些结果表明,噬菌体 LPST10 由于其安全性和有效性而成为控制食品中沙门氏菌污染的有希望的候选者。
