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Light Absorption Enhancement of Black Carbon Aerosol Constrained by Particle Morphology
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-29 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b00636
Yu Wu 1 , Tianhai Cheng 1 , Dantong Liu 2 , James D. Allan 2, 3 , Lijuan Zheng 4 , Hao Chen 1

The radiative forcing of black carbon aerosol (BC) is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in climate change assessments. Contrasting results of BC absorption enhancement (Eabs) after aging are estimated by field measurements and modeling studies, causing ambiguous parametrizations of BC solar absorption in climate models. Here we quantify Eabs using a theoretical model parametrized by the complex particle morphology of BC in different aging scales. We show that Eabs continuously increases with aging and stabilizes with a maximum of ∼3.5, suggesting that previous seemingly contrast results of Eabs can be explicitly described by BC aging with corresponding particle morphology. We also report that current climate models using Mie Core–Shell model may overestimate Eabs at a certain aging stage with a rapid rise of Eabs, which is commonly observed in the ambient. A correction coefficient for this overestimation is suggested to improve model predictions of BC climate impact.



黑碳气溶胶(BC)的辐射强迫是气候变化评估中最大的不确定性来源之一。通过现场测量和模型研究估算了老化后BC吸收增强的对比结果(E abs),这导致了气候模型中BC太阳吸收的模棱两可参数化。在这里,我们使用由BC在不同衰老尺度下的复杂粒子形态参数化的理论模型来量化E abs。我们显示,随着年龄的增长,E abs持续增加并稳定,最大值约为3.5,这表明E abs以前看似对比的结果可以通过BC老化以及相应的颗粒形态来明确描述。我们还报告说,当前使用Mie Core-Shell模型的气候模型在某个老化阶段可能会高估E abs,而E abs会迅速增加,这在环境中通常会观察到。提出了针对这种高估的校正系数,以改善对不列颠哥伦比亚省气候影响的模型预测。