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Patterns of Potential Opioid Misuse and Subsequent Adverse Outcomes.
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-22 , DOI: 10.7326/p18-0007

What is the problem and what is known about it so far?

Opioids are addictive narcotic substances that include both illegal drugs (heroin) and legal prescription medications used to treat pain. Opioids that are commonly prescribed in the United States include hydrocodone (an ingredient in Vicodin [AbbVie], Lortab [UCB], Zohydro [Pernix Ireland Pain Limited], and other brand-name drugs), oxycodone (an ingredient in such brand-name drugs as OxyContin [Purdue Pharma] and Percocet [Endo Pharmaceuticals]), and morphine. The United States currently has an epidemic of prescription opioid misuse, with high and rapidly growing numbers of overdose deaths. Physicians are increasingly being expected to examine patients' opioid prescription histories before prescribing these drugs. In fact, many states have laws requiring that physicians check patients' prescription histories using an online database before prescribing opioids. However, we lack information about the association of opioid use patterns with subsequent overdose to guide physicians examining these histories.

Why did the researchers do this particular study?

To identify patterns of opioid use related to an increased risk for overdose.

Who was studied?

More than 600,000 patients enrolled in Medicare from 2008 to 2012 who did not have a cancer diagnosis. Patients with cancer were excluded because relief of cancer pain is an appropriate and common use of opioids.

How was the study done?

The researchers identified several measures of opioid misuse that they thought might increase the risk for overdose on the basis of the quantity prescribed, overlapping prescriptions, use of more than 1 prescriber or pharmacy, and use of out-of-state prescribers or pharmacies. The investigators then used the Medicare data to determine whether patients had any of these patterns over a 6-month period and, if so, whether they had an overdose or died in the following year.

What did the researchers find?

All misuse measures examined had a positive association with subsequent opioid overdose and death. As the quantity of opioids or the number of prescribers or pharmacies increased, so did overdose risk.

What were the limitations of the study?

The study included only Medicare patients, so its results may not apply to younger patients or those with different or no health insurance.

What are the implications of the study?

Before prescribing opioids, physicians should see whether the patient's previous use shows the patterns associated with overdose found in this study.




阿片类药物是令人上瘾的麻醉性物质,包括非法药物(海洛因)和用于治疗疼痛的合法处方药。在美国通常开的阿片类药物包括氢可酮(维可丁[AbbVie],Lortab [UCB],Zohydro [Pernix Ireland Pain Limited]和其他商标药物中的成分),羟考酮(该商标中的成分药物包括OxyContin [Purdue Pharma]和Percocet [Endo Pharmaceuticals])和吗啡。目前,美国滥用处方阿片类药物的流行病十分普遍,过量死亡的人数迅速增加。越来越多地期望医师在开出这些药物之前先检查患者的阿片类药物处方史。实际上,许多州都有法律要求医师检查患者的 在开处方阿片类药物之前,先使用在线数据库查看处方历史。但是,我们缺乏有关阿片类药物使用模式与随后过量服用的关联的信息,无法指导医生检查这些历史。











