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Selective Direct Growth of Atomic Layered HfS2 on Hexagonal Boron Nitride for High Performance Photodetectors
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-20 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b01091
Denggui Wang 1, 2 , Junhua Meng 1, 2 , Xingwang Zhang 1, 2 , Gencai Guo 3 , Zhigang Yin 1, 2 , Heng Liu 1, 2 , Likun Cheng 1, 2 , Menglei Gao 1, 2 , Jingbi You 1, 2 , Ruzhi Wang 3

Hafnium disulfide (HfS2) has attracted significant interest because of the predicted excellent electronic properties superior to group VIB transition metal dichalcogenides. On the other hand, atomically thin hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an ideal dielectric substrate for optoelectronic applications of other 2D materials. Here, for the first time, we report the direct growth of high-quality atomic layered HfS2 on few-layer h-BN transferred on SiO2/Si substrates by chemical vapor deposition. It was found that the HfS2 layers are selectively grown on h-BN rather than on SiO2/Si. Density functional theory calculations are performed to help understand the mechanism of selective growth of HfS2. Furthermore, the photodetectors based on the HfS2/h-BN heterostructures exhibit excellent visible-light sensing performance, such as a high on/off ratio of more than 105, an ultrafast response rate of about 200 μs, a high responsivity of 26.5 mA W–1, and a competitive detectivity exceeding 3 × 1011 Jones, superior to the vast majority of the reported 2D materials based photodetectors. The remarkable performance of the HfS2/h-BN photodetector is attributed to the unique features of 2D h-BN substrate.


六方氮化硼上用于高性能光电探测器的原子层状HfS 2的选择性直接生长。

二硫化ulf(HfS 2)引起了人们的极大兴趣,因为预计其优异的电子性能优于VIB过渡金属二卤化二族。另一方面,原子稀薄的六方氮化硼(h-BN)是用于其他2D材料的光电应用的理想介电基板。在这里,我们首次报道了通过化学气相沉积法在转移到SiO 2 / Si衬底上的几层h-BN上高质量原子层状HfS 2的直接生长。已经发现,HfS 2层选择性地生长在h-BN上而不是SiO 2 / Si上。进行密度泛函理论计算以帮助理解HfS 2选择性生长的机制。此外,基于HfS 2 / h-BN异质结构的光电探测器表现出出色的可见光传感性能,例如高开/关比大于10 5,超快响应速度约为200μs,高响应率为26.5 mA W –1,竞争性检测能力超过3×10 11 Jones,优于绝大多数已报道的基于2D材料的光电检测器。HfS 2 / h-BN光电探测器的卓越性能归因于2D h-BN基板的独特功能。