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Solution‐Processed Aluminum Nanogratings for Wire Grid Polarizers
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-09 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.201800205
Juhoon Kang 1 , Hae‐Su Yun 2 , Hyun‐Ik Jang 2 , Junho Kim 1 , Jae Hong Park 2 , Jung‐Yong Lee 1

The wire grid polarizer (WGP) consisting of parallel metal nanogratings is an attractive alternative to conventional polarizers because it offers thin layer thickness, easy integration capability, and outstanding chemical and thermal stability. In this report, a facile solution process is proposed for fabricating Al WGPs. High‐aspect‐ratio Al nanostructures are formed in a 1D nanoimprinted template by electroless plating. Because of the geometrically irreversible deposition and wet etching processes on the nanotemplate, only the embedded Al nanogratings are retained. The solution‐processed Al nanostructured WGP with a line width of 60 nm and a height of 150 nm exhibits an average extinction ratio of 104 and transmittance of 52.3% in the visible wavelengths.



由平行金属纳米光栅组成的线栅偏振器(WGP)是常规偏振器的一种有吸引力的替代方案,因为它具有薄层厚度,易于集成的能力以及出色的化学和热稳定性。在该报告中,提出了一种用于制造Al WGP的简便解决方案。一维纳米压印模板通过化学镀形成高纵横比的铝纳米结构。由于纳米模板上的几何不可逆沉积和湿蚀刻工艺,仅保留了嵌入的Al纳米光栅。线宽为60 nm,高度为150 nm的经过固溶处理的Al纳米结构WGP在可见光波长下的平均消光比为104,透射率为52.3%。