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Redox-Dependent Franck–Condon Blockade and Avalanche Transport in a Graphene–Fullerene Single-Molecule Transistor
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2015-12-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b03434
Chit Siong Lau 1 , Hatef Sadeghi 2 , Gregory Rogers 1 , Sara Sangtarash 2 , Panagiotis Dallas 1 , Kyriakos Porfyrakis 1 , Jamie Warner 1 , Colin J. Lambert 2 , G. Andrew D. Briggs 1 , Jan A. Mol 1

We report transport measurements on a graphene–fullerene single-molecule transistor. The device architecture where a functionalized C60 binds to graphene nanoelectrodes results in strong electron–vibron coupling and weak vibron relaxation. Using a combined approach of transport spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and DFT calculations, we demonstrate center-of-mass oscillations, redox-dependent Franck–Condon blockade, and a transport regime characterized by avalanche tunnelling in a single-molecule transistor.



我们报告了在石墨烯-富勒烯单分子晶体管上的传输测量。官能化的C 60与石墨烯纳米电极结合的器件结构会导致强的电子-氟离子耦合和弱的氟离子弛豫。使用传输光谱,拉曼光谱和DFT计算的组合方法,我们证明了质心振荡,依赖氧化还原的弗兰克-康登阻滞和以雪崩隧穿为特征的单分子晶体管传输方式。