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Compartmentalisation of RAC1 signalling
Current Opinion in Cell Biology ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ceb.2018.04.009
Aishwarya Payapilly 1 , Angeliki Malliri 1

RAC1 signalling has been implicated in a variety of dynamic cell biological processes that are orchestrated through regulated localisation and activation of RAC1. As a small GTPase, RAC1 switches between active and inactive states at various subcellular locations that include the plasma membrane, nucleus and mitochondria. Once activated, RAC1 interacts with a range of effectors that then mediate various biological functions. RAC1 is regulated by a large number of proteins that can promote its recruitment, activation, deactivation, or stability. RAC1 and its regulators are subject to various post-translational modifications that further fine tune RAC1 localisation, levels and activity. Developments in technologies have enabled the accurate detection of activated RAC1 during processes such as cell migration, invasion and DNA damage. Here, we highlight recent advances in our understanding of RAC1 regulation and function at specific subcellular sites.


RAC1 信号传导的划分

RAC1 信号传导涉及多种动态细胞生物过程,这些过程是通过 RAC1 的调节定位和激活来协调的。作为一种小型 GTP 酶,RAC1 在不同的亚细胞位置(包括质膜、细胞核和线粒体)在活性和非活性状态之间切换。一旦被激活,RAC1 就会与一系列效应器相互作用,从而介导各种生物功能。 RAC1 受到大量蛋白质的调节,这些蛋白质可以促进其募集、激活、失活或稳定性。 RAC1 及其调节因子会受到各种翻译后修饰的影响,从而进一步微调 RAC1 的定位、水平和活性。技术的发展使得能够在细胞迁移、侵袭和DNA损伤等过程中准确检测激活的RAC1。在这里,我们重点介绍了我们对 RAC1 在特定亚细胞位点的调控和功能的理解方面的最新进展。
