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Precise Control of Quantum Confinement in Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Quantum Dots via Thermodynamic Equilibrium
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-04 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b00861
Yitong Dong 1 , Tian Qiao 1 , Doyun Kim 1 , David Parobek 1 , Daniel Rossi 1 , Dong Hee Son 1, 2

Cesium lead halide (CsPbX3) nanocrystals have emerged as a new family of materials that can outperform the existing semiconductor nanocrystals due to their superb optical and charge-transport properties. However, the lack of a robust method for producing quantum dots with controlled size and high ensemble uniformity has been one of the major obstacles in exploring the useful properties of excitons in zero-dimensional nanostructures of CsPbX3. Here, we report a new synthesis approach that enables the precise control of the size based on the equilibrium rather than kinetics, producing CsPbX3 quantum dots nearly free of heterogeneous broadening in their exciton luminescence. The high level of size control and ensemble uniformity achieved here will open the door to harnessing the benefits of excitons in CsPbX3 quantum dots for photonic and energy-harvesting applications.



卤化铯铅(CsPbX 3)纳米晶体已成为一种新型材料,由于其卓越的光学和电荷传输特性,其性能可超越现有的半导体纳米晶体。然而,缺乏一种鲁棒的方法来生产具有可控制的尺寸和高整体均匀性的量子点已经成为探索激子在CsPbX 3的零维纳米结构中的有用性质的主要障碍之一。在这里,我们报告了一种新的合成方法,该方法能够根据平衡而非动力学来精确控制尺寸,从而生成CsPbX 3在激子发光中几乎没有异质加宽的量子点。此处实现的高水平的尺寸控制和整体均匀性将为利用CsPbX 3量子点中激子在光子和能量收集应用中的优势打开大门。