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An optical spectroscopic study on two-dimensional group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides
Chemical Society Reviews ( IF 40.4 ) Pub Date : 2015-04-21 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1039/c4cs00265b
Hualing Zeng 1, 2, 3, 4 , Xiaodong Cui 3, 4, 5, 6

The ultimate goal of making atomically thin electronic devices stimulates intensive research on layered materials, in particular the group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). Atomically thin group-VI TMD crystals with a 2H stacking order emerging as a family of intrinsic 2-dimensional (2D) semiconductors with a sizeable bandgap in the visible and near infrared range satisfy numerous requirements for ultimate electronics and optoelectronics. In addition, the characteristic inversion symmetry breaking presented in monolayer TMDs leads to non-zero but contrasting Berry curvatures and orbit magnetic moments at K/K′ valleys located at the corners of the first Brillouin zone. These features provide an opportunity to manipulate electrons’ additional internal degrees of freedom, namely the valley degree of freedom, making monolayer TMDs a promising candidate for the conceptual valleytronics. Besides, the strong spin–orbit interactions and the subsequent spin–valley coupling demonstrated in atomically thin group-VI TMDs open up potential routes towards quantum manipulation. In this tutorial review, we highlight recent advances in the optical study on electronic structures, vibrational properties, excitonic effects, valley dependent optical selection rules, and the interplay of valley, spin, and layer degrees of freedoms in this class of atomic 2D semiconductors including MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2.



制造原子上薄的电子设备的最终目标激发了对层状材料,尤其是第VI族过渡金属二卤化金属(TMD)的深入研究。具有2H堆叠顺序的VI原子薄VI组TMD晶体作为本征二维(2D)半导体家族的出现,在可见光和近红外范围内具有相当大的带隙,可以满足最终电子产品和光电子产品的众多要求。此外,单层TMD中出现的特征反演对称性破裂导致非零但相反的贝里曲率和K / K处的轨道磁矩位于第一个布里渊区角落的'山谷。这些特性为操纵电子的附加内部自由度(即谷底自由度)提供了机会,使单层TMD成为概念上的谷底电子学的有希望的候选者。此外,在原子稀薄的VI族TMD中表现出的强大的自旋-轨道相互作用和随后的自旋-谷耦合打开了通往量子操纵的潜在途径。在本教程的回顾中,我们重点介绍了在此类原子2D半导体中,电子结构,振动特性,激子效应,与谷有关的光学选择规则以及谷,自旋和层自由度之间相互作用的光学研究的最新进展,包括MoS 2,MoSe 2,WS2和WSe 2