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Au57Ag53(C≡CPh)40Br12: A Large Nanocluster with C1 Symmetry
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-23 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201801261
Zong-Jie Guan 1 , Jiu-Lian Zeng 1 , Shang-Fu Yuan 1 , Feng Hu 2 , Yu-Mei Lin 1 , Quan-Ming Wang 1, 2

The controlled synthesis and structure determination of a bimetallic nanocluster Au57Ag53(C≡CPh)40Br12 (Au57Ag53) is presented. The metal core has a four‐shell Au2M3@Au34@Ag51 @Au20 (M=1/3 Au+2/3 Ag) architecture. In contrast to the previously reported large nanoclusters that have highly symmetric kernel structures, the metal atoms in Au57Ag53 are arranged in an irregular manner with C1 symmetry. This cluster exhibits excellent thermal stability and is robust under oxidative or basic conditions. The silver precursors play a key role in dictating the structures of the nanoclusters, which suggests the importance of the counteranions used.



提出了双金属纳米簇Au 57 Ag 53(C≡CPh)40 Br 12(Au 57 Ag 53)的受控合成和结构确定。金属芯具有四壳式Au 2 M 3 @Au 34 @Ag 51 @Au 20(M = 1/3 Au + 2/3 Ag)结构。与先前报道的具有高度对称核结构的大型纳米团簇相反,Au 57 Ag 53中的金属原子与C 1以不规则的方式排列对称。该簇表现出优异的热稳定性,并且在氧化或碱性条件下均很坚固。银前体在决定纳米团簇的结构中起关键作用,这表明所用抗衡阴离子的重要性。