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Preparation of Gallium Sulfide Nanosheets by Liquid Exfoliation and Their Application As Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2015-04-21 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00910
Andrew Harvey 1, 2 , Claudia Backes 1, 2 , Zahra Gholamvand 1, 2 , Damien Hanlon 1, 2 , David McAteer 1, 2 , Hannah C. Nerl 1, 2, 3 , Eva McGuire 1, 2, 3 , Andrés Seral-Ascaso 1, 2, 3 , Quentin M. Ramasse 4 , Niall McEvoy 1, 3 , Sinéad Winters 1, 3 , Nina C. Berner 1, 3 , David McCloskey 1, 2 , John F. Donegan 1, 2 , Georg S. Duesberg 1, 3 , Valeria Nicolosi 1, 2, 3 , Jonathan N. Coleman 1, 2

Here, we demonstrate the production of large quantities of gallium sulfide (GaS) nanosheets by liquid exfoliation of layered GaS powder. The exfoliation was achieved by sonication of the powder in suitable solvents. The variation of dispersed concentration with solvent was consistent with classical solution thermodynamics and showed successful solvents to be those with Hildebrand solubility parameters close to 21.5 MPa1/2. In this way, nanosheets could be produced at concentrations of up to ∼0.2 mg/mL with lateral sizes and thicknesses of 50–1000 nm and 3–80 layers, respectively. The nanosheets appeared to be relatively defect-free although oxygen was observed in the vicinity of the edges. Using controlled centrifugation techniques, it was possible to prepare dispersions containing size-selected nanosheets. Spectroscopic measurements showed the optical properties of the dispersions to vary strongly with nanosheet size, allowing the elucidation of spectroscopic metrics for in situ estimation of nanosheet size and thickness. These techniques allow the production of nanosheets with controlled sizes, which will be important for certain applications. To demonstrate this, we prepared films of GaS nanosheets of three different sizes for use as hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts. We found a clear correlation between performance and size, showing small nanosheets to be more effective. This is consistent with the catalytically active sites residing on the nanosheet edges.



在这里,我们演示了通过分层剥落GaS粉末的液体剥落来生产大量硫化镓(GaS)纳米片。剥落是通过在合适的溶剂中对粉末进行超声处理来实现的。溶剂中分散浓度的变化与经典溶液热力学一致,表明成功的溶剂是希尔德布兰德溶解度参数接近21.5 MPa 1/2的那些。通过这种方式,可以生产浓度高达约0.2 mg / mL的纳米片,其横向尺寸和厚度分别为50–1000 nm和3–80层。尽管在边缘附近观察到氧气,但纳米片似乎相对无缺陷。使用受控的离心技术,可以制备包含尺寸选择的纳米片的分散体。光谱测量表明,分散体的光学性质随纳米片尺寸而变化很大,从而阐明了用于原位估计纳米片尺寸和厚度的光谱指标。这些技术允许生产具有受控尺寸的纳米片,这对于某些应用将是重要的。为了证明这一点,我们制备了三种不同尺寸的GaS纳米片薄膜,用作析氢电催化剂。我们发现性能和尺寸之间存在明显的相关性,表明较小的纳米片材更有效。这与纳米片边缘上的催化活性位点是一致的。