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Influence of length and conformation of saccharide head groups on the mechanics of glycolipid membranes: Unraveled by off-specular neutron scattering
The Journal of Chemical Physics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2015-04-21 15:19:21 , DOI: 10.1063/1.4918585
Akihisa Yamamoto 1, 2 , Wasim Abuillan 1 , Alexandra S. Burk 1, 3 , Alexander Körner 1 , Annika Ries 4 , Daniel B. Werz 5 , Bruno Demé 6 , Motomu Tanaka 1, 2

The mechanical properties of multilayer stacks of Gb3 glycolipid that play key roles in metabolic disorders (Fabry disease) were determined quantitatively by using specular and off-specular neutron scattering. Because of the geometry of membrane stacks deposited on planar substrates, the scattered intensity profile was analyzed in a 2D reciprocal space map as a function of in-plane and out-of-plane scattering vector components. The two principal mechanical parameters of the membranes, namely, bending rigidity and compression modulus, can be quantified by full calculation of scattering functions with the aid of an effective cut-off radius that takes the finite sample size into consideration. The bulkier “bent” Gb3 trisaccharide group makes the membrane mechanics distinctly different from cylindrical disaccharide (lactose) head groups and shorter “bent” disaccharide (gentiobiose) head groups. The mechanical characterization of membranes enriched with complex glycolipids has high importance in understanding the mechanisms of diseases such as sphingolipidoses caused by the accumulation of non-degenerated glycosphingolipids in lysosomes or inhibition of protein synthesis triggered by the specific binding of Shiga toxin to Gb3.



通过使用镜面和非镜面中子散射定量确定了在代谢紊乱(法布里病)中起关键作用的Gb3糖脂多层堆栈的机械性能。由于沉积在平面基板上的薄膜叠层的几何形状,在二维倒数空间图中,根据平面内和平面外散射矢量分量分析了散射强度分布。膜的两个主要机械参数,即抗弯刚度和压缩模量,可以在考虑到有限样本量的有效截止半径的帮助下,通过充分计算散射函数来量化。更大的“弯曲” Gb3三糖基团使膜的力学特性与圆柱形二糖(乳糖)头基和较短的“弯曲”二糖(龙胆二糖)头基明显不同。富含复杂糖脂的膜的机械表征对于理解疾病的机制非常重要,例如由非变性糖鞘脂在溶酶体内的积累引起的鞘脂糖或由志贺毒素与Gb3的特异性结合触发的蛋白质合成抑制。