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Designing Two-Dimensional KBBF Family Second-Harmonic Generation Monolayers
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-22 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b00323
Guoyu Yang 1, 2 , Kechen Wu 1

Two-dimensional nonlinear optics materials are key to miniaturization of laser devices. Layered structure of KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) is regarded as a point cutting into low dimension. Two-dimensional (2D) AlBeBO3F2, the layered structure without potassium in KBBF and half beryllium substitute by aluminum, was predicted to work as a second-harmonic generation (SHG) material in >200 nm range in UV and visible regions. The similarity with bulk is that BO3 and F groups are making main contribution to the SHG effect, while the dimensionality compensates the negativity in bulk on SHG enhancement. Other modification strategies in the KBBF family are also expected in 2D systems.



二维非线性光学材料是激光设备小型化的关键。KBe 2 BO 3 F 2(KBBF)的分层结构被认为是切入低尺寸的关键。二维(2D)AlBeBO 3 F 2,即KBBF中无钾的层状结构和半铍被铝替代的结构,预计将在UV和可见光区域中> 200 nm范围内用作二次谐波产生(SHG)材料。与本体的相似之处在于,BO 3和F基团对SHG效应起主要作用,而维数补偿了本体对SHG增强的负面影响。KBBF系列中的其他修改策略也有望在2D系统中使用。