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Amorphous Mixture of Two Indium-Free BaSnO3 and ZnSnO3 for Thin-Film Transistors with Balanced Performance and Stability.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b17456
Ho-Hyun Nahm 1 , Hyoung-Do Kim 2 , Ji-Min Park 2 , Hyun-Suk Kim 2 , Yong-Hyun Kim 1

The trade-off between performance and stability in amorphous oxide semiconductor-based thin-film transistors (TFTs) has been a critical challenge, meaning that it is difficult to simultaneously achieve high mobility and stability under bias and light stresses. Here, an amorphous mixture of two indium-free BaSnO3 and ZnSnO3 compounds, a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3, is proposed as a feasible strategy to achieve high mobility and stability at the same time. The choice of BaSnO3 as a counterpart to ZnSnO3, a well-known In-free candidate in amorphous oxide semiconductors, is to improve structural order and oxygen stoichiometry due to the large heat of formation and to preserve electron mobility due to the same kind of octahedral Sn-O network. Our first-principles calculations indeed show that compared to pure a-ZnSnO3, BaSnO3 plays a crucial role in restoring structural order in both stoichiometric and O-deficient supercells without seriously damaging the conduction band minimum. The resulting features of a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3 reduce O-deficiency and the valence band tail states, which are known to be critically associated with instability. It is experimentally demonstrated that a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3-based TFTs simultaneously exhibit high mobility (>20 cm2 V-1 s-1) and remarkable stability against negative bias illumination stress (ΔVth: <0.9 V). Our results suggest that a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3 would be a strong In-free candidate for next-generation TFT display, replacing the conventional a-InGaZnO4.



在基于非晶氧化物半导体的薄膜晶体管(TFT)中,性能和稳定性之间的权衡是一个严峻的挑战,这意味着在偏压和光应力下很难同时实现高迁移率和稳定性。在此,提出了两种无铟的BaSnO3和ZnSnO3化合物a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3的无定形混合物,作为同时实现高迁移率和稳定性的可行策略。选择BaSnO3作为ZnSnO3的替代物,ZnSnO3是非晶氧化物半导体中众所周知的In-free候选物,由于形成热量大,可以改善结构顺序和氧化学计量,并由于相同类型的八面体而保持电子迁移率Sn-O网络。我们的第一原理计算确实表明,与纯a-ZnSnO3相比,BaSnO3在恢复化学计量的和O缺乏的超级电池的结构顺序方面起着至关重要的作用,而不会严重损坏最小导带。a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3的最终特征降低了O缺陷和价带尾态,这被认为与不稳定性至关重要。实验证明,a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3基TFT同时显示出高迁移率(> 20 cm2 V-1 s-1)和出色的抗负偏压照明应力稳定性(ΔVth:<0.9 V)。我们的结果表明,a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3将替代常规的a-InGaZnO4,成为下一代TFT显示器的强大的In-free候选者。Ba)SnO3降低了O缺陷和价带尾态,这被认为与不稳定性至关重要。实验证明,a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3基TFT同时显示出高迁移率(> 20 cm2 V-1 s-1)和出色的抗负偏压照明应力稳定性(ΔVth:<0.9 V)。我们的结果表明,a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3将替代常规的a-InGaZnO4,成为下一代TFT显示器的强大的In-free候选者。Ba)SnO3降低了O缺陷和价带尾态,这被认为与不稳定性至关重要。实验证明,a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3基TFT同时显示出高迁移率(> 20 cm2 V-1 s-1)和出色的抗负偏压照明应力稳定性(ΔVth:<0.9 V)。我们的结果表明,a-(Zn,Ba)SnO3将替代常规的a-InGaZnO4,成为下一代TFT显示器的强大的In-free候选者。