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Information‐theoretic approach in density functional theory and its recent applications to chemical problems
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-30 , DOI: 10.1002/wcms.1461
Chunying Rong 1, 2 , Bin Wang 2 , Dongbo Zhao 3 , Shubin Liu 4

Using simple functionals of the electron density to appreciate and quantify molecular structure and chemical reactivity properties is a recent endeavor in density functional theory (DFT) toward the development of a new chemical reactivity theory. According to the first Hohenberg–Kohn theorem in DFT, the electron density alone should be able to determine any property in the ground state. Exchange and correlation energies are such properties, so are molecular structure and chemical reactivity, and hence they all should accurately be determined by electron density functionals. Quantities such as Shannon entropy, Fisher information, Ghosh–Berkowitz–Parr entropy, information gain, Onicescu information energy, etc., from the information‐theoretic approach are simple electron density functionals, whose analytical forms are exactly known. In this article, we demonstrate their usefulness and validity to quantify regioselectivity, stereoselectivity, and other structure and reactivity properties. We will outline the current understanding of its theoretical framework at first, and then highlight recent applications to chemical problems including isomeric and conformational stability, electrophilicity and nucleophilicity, strong covalent and weak noncovalent interactions, acidity and basicity, aromaticity and antiaromaticity, and numerous other properties. The effort of employing electron density functionals to quantify chemical concepts should open up a new door for us to ultimately develop a chemical reactivity theory using the DFT language.


