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Does the language we use to segment the body, shape the way we perceive it? A study of tactile perceptual distortions.
Cognition ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104127 Frances Le Cornu Knight 1 , Andrew J Bremner 2 , Dorothy Cowie 3
Cognition ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104127 Frances Le Cornu Knight 1 , Andrew J Bremner 2 , Dorothy Cowie 3
Tactile perception is referenced to, and modulated by, body parts and their boundaries. For example, tactile distances presented over the wrist are perceptually elongated relative to those presented within the hand or arm. This phenomenon is argued to result from a segmentation of tactile space according to body parts and their boundaries, i.e., touches presented within a body part are perceived as being more similar, and therefore closer together, whereas those that straddle a body part boundary (e.g. presented across two body parts) are perceived as more distinct and thus further apart. We tested the hypothesis that language shapes this effect by providing consolidatory labels for categories and boundaries, as it does in other perceptual domains. We examined the perceptual elongation of distance over the wrist in a group of Croatian adults (n = 37) whose first language does not differentiate between hand and arm at the wrist in common noun terms (instead, the Croatian word "ruka" encompasses the entire limb). Croatian adults, like UK adults reported in a previous study (Le Cornu Knight, Longo, & Bremner, 2014), perceived distances presented proximodistally over the wrist boundary as longer than those presented mediolaterally, whereas the reverse was found for both the hand and the arm. This pattern of results was remained when Croatian participants were split into two groups of inexperienced or proficient English-language speakers. This is striking evidence that body part boundaries consistently modulate tactile perception, despite differences in the linguistic distinctions of such body parts made by one's first language.
触觉是身体部位及其边界的参考,并受其调节。例如,在手腕上呈现的触觉距离相对于在手或手臂内呈现的触觉距离在感知上是拉长的。据认为,这种现象是由于根据身体部位及其边界对触觉空间进行了分割而导致的,即,感觉到的身体部位内的触觉更相似,因此更接近在一起,而跨越身体部位边界的触觉则更是如此(例如,跨两个身体部位呈现的图像)被认为更加独特,因此相距更远。我们测试了这样一种假设,即语言会像其他感知领域一样,通过提供类别和边界的合并标签来塑造这种效果。我们检查了一组克罗地亚成年人(n = 37)中手腕上距离的感知伸长率,这些成年人的第一种语言没有用普通名词来区分手腕上的手和手臂(相反,克罗地亚语“ ruka”一词涵盖了整个肢)。克罗地亚成年人与先前研究中报道的英国成年人一样(Le Cornu Knight,Longo和Bremner,2014年),感觉到近端手腕边界上的距离要比中侧感觉上的距离长,而手和手指的感觉相反。手臂。当克罗地亚参加者被分成两组,既没有经验也没有熟练的英语使用者时,这种结果模式仍然存在。这是令人惊讶的证据,表明身体部位边界始终在调节触觉感知,
触觉是身体部位及其边界的参考,并受其调节。例如,在手腕上呈现的触觉距离相对于在手或手臂内呈现的触觉距离在感知上是拉长的。据认为,这种现象是由于根据身体部位及其边界对触觉空间进行了分割而导致的,即,感觉到的身体部位内的触觉更相似,因此更接近在一起,而跨越身体部位边界的触觉则更是如此(例如,跨两个身体部位呈现的图像)被认为更加独特,因此相距更远。我们测试了这样一种假设,即语言会像其他感知领域一样,通过提供类别和边界的合并标签来塑造这种效果。我们检查了一组克罗地亚成年人(n = 37)中手腕上距离的感知伸长率,这些成年人的第一种语言没有用普通名词来区分手腕上的手和手臂(相反,克罗地亚语“ ruka”一词涵盖了整个肢)。克罗地亚成年人与先前研究中报道的英国成年人一样(Le Cornu Knight,Longo和Bremner,2014年),感觉到近端手腕边界上的距离要比中侧感觉上的距离长,而手和手指的感觉相反。手臂。当克罗地亚参加者被分成两组,既没有经验也没有熟练的英语使用者时,这种结果模式仍然存在。这是令人惊讶的证据,表明身体部位边界始终在调节触觉感知,