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Mechanically Strong Globular-Protein-Based Fibers Obtained Using a Microfluidic Spinning Technique.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-24 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.201915262
Haonan He 1, 2 , Chenjing Yang 3 , Fan Wang 1 , Zheng Wei 1, 2 , Jianlei Shen 4 , Dong Chen 3 , Chunhai Fan 4 , Hongjie Zhang 1, 2, 5 , Kai Liu 1, 2, 5

Proteins used for the formation of light weight and mechanically strong biological fibers are typically composed of folded rigid and unfolded flexible units. In contrast to fibrous proteins, globular proteins are generally not regarded as a good candidate for fiber production due to their intrinsic structural defects. Thus, it is challenging to develop an efficient strategy for the construction of mechanically strong fibers using spherical proteins. Herein, we demonstrate the production of robust protein fibers from bovine serum albumin (BSA) using a microfluidic technique. Remarkably, the toughness of the fibers was up to 143 MJ m-3 , and after post-stretching treatment, their breaking strength increased to almost 300 MPa due to the induced long-range ordered structure in the fibers. The performance is comparable to or even higher than that of many recombinant spider silks or regenerated silkworm fibers. Thus, this work opens a new way for making biological fibers with high performance.



用于形成轻质和机械强度强的生物纤维的蛋白质通常由折叠的刚性单元和未折叠的柔性单元组成。与纤维蛋白相反,球状蛋白由于其固有的结构缺陷,通常不被认为是纤维生产的良好候选者。因此,开发一种有效的策略来使用球形蛋白构建机械强度高的纤维是一项挑战。在这里,我们演示了使用微流技术从牛血清白蛋白(BSA)产生坚固的蛋白质纤维。值得注意的是,纤维的韧性高达143 MJ m-3,并且在拉伸后处理后,由于在纤维中诱导了长程有序结构,其断裂强度增加到几乎300 MPa。其性能可与甚至许多重组蜘蛛丝或再生蚕丝相比甚至更高。因此,这项工作为制造具有高性能的生物纤维开辟了一条新途径。