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A mesoporous carbon-based catalyst derived from cobalt and boron Co-doped melamine formaldehyde gel for oxygen reduction reaction
Electrochimica Acta ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135560
Hehuan Cao , Jidong Cao , Fanghui Wang , Hong Zhu , Min Pu

Non-precious metal catalysts are playing an increasingly important role in research on oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts for fuel cells due to their relatively low cost. In this work, a novel mesoporous catalyst derived from cobalt- and boron-co-doped melamine formaldehyde (MF) gel (Co, B-MF) was successfully synthesized by a facile self-assembly pyrolysis method. It was found that doping of Co and B could provide various active sites and an appropriate pyrolysis temperature was beneficial to increase the number of active sites. As a result, the obtained Co, B-MF-900 catalyst (pyrolyzed at 900 °C) exhibited an outstanding ORR performance in 0.1 M KOH solution with a high onset potential of 1.1 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (vs RHE), which was 0.1 V higher than that of the commercial Johnson Matthey Pt/C. Additionally, Co, B-MF-900 displayed good stability and superior methanol tolerance. The superior ORR performance of Co, B-MF-900 can be attributed to its mesoporous structure, the synergistic effect of active sites, and the excellent conductivity of the carbon carrier.



非贵金属催化剂由于其相对较低的成本而在燃料电池的氧还原反应(ORR)催化剂的研究中起着越来越重要的作用。在这项工作中,通过一种简便的自组装热解方法成功地合成了一种新型的介孔催化剂,该催化剂衍生自钴和硼共掺杂的三聚氰胺甲醛(MF)凝胶(Co,B-MF)。发现Co和B的掺杂可以提供各种活性位点,并且适当的热解温度有利于增加活性位点的数量。结果,相对于可逆的氢电极(vs RHE),所获得的Co,B-MF-900催化剂(在900°C时热解)在0.1 M KOH溶液中具有出色的ORR性能,且具有1.1 V的高起始电位。比商业Johnson Matthey Pt / C高0.1V。另外,B-MF-900具有良好的稳定性和优异的甲醇耐受性。Co,B-MF-900的优异ORR性能可归因于其介孔结构,活性位点的协同效应以及碳载体的优异电导率。
