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Adverse effects of atrazine, DCMU and metolachlor on phytoplankton cultures and communities at environmentally relevant concentrations using Fast Repetition Rate Fluorescence.
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136239
Marieke Beaulieu 1 , Hubert Cabana 1 , Yannick Huot 2

The widespread and persistent contamination of freshwater environments by low concentrations of pesticides is a growing concern worldwide. In aquatic environments, herbicide pollution is of greatest concern for phytoplankton, due to their similarities to terrestrial plants. Through the use of Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (FRRF) during weeklong experiments on 10 phytoplankton cultures from 4 classes and 4 natural communities, we demonstrate that PSII-inhibiting herbicides, notably atrazine that is extensively used in North America, consistently have effects on freshwater phytoplankton photophysiology at concentrations far below concentrations affecting the most sensitive species in previous studies. The parameters specific to FRRF (Ρ, σ, τ1, τ2, τ3) were those most sensitive to PSII inhibitors, compared to the standard fluorescence parameters derived from other fluorescence protocols such as Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry (F0, Fm, Fv/Fm) and extracted chlorophyll a concentrations. Based on these findings, existing national environmental guidelines and standards are insufficient to adequately prevent adverse effects of atrazine and other PSII inhibiting herbicides on algal physiology in aquatic ecosystems.



低浓度农药对淡水环境的广泛和持续污染在世界范围内日益引起关注。在水生环境中,除草剂污染与浮游植物相似,因此是浮游植物最关注的问题。通过对4个类别和4个自然群落的10种浮游植物进行为期一周的实验的快速重复速率荧光法(FRRF),我们证明了抑制PSII的除草剂,特别是在北美广泛使用的阿特拉津,对淡水浮游植物具有持续的影响。浓度远低于影响先前研究中最敏感物种的浓度的光生理学。FRRF特有的参数(P,σ,τ1,τ2,τ3)是对PSII抑制剂最敏感的参数,与其他荧光协议(例如脉冲幅度调制(PAM)荧光法)(F0,Fm,Fv / Fm)衍生的标准荧光参数进行比较,并提取叶绿素a浓度。基于这些发现,现有的国家环境准则和标准不足以充分防止阿特拉津和其他抑制PSII的除草剂对水生生态系统藻类生理的不利影响。