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Egg parasitoid exploitation of plant volatiles induced by single or concurrent attack of a zoophytophagous predator and an invasive phytophagous pest.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-55396-0
Letizia Martorana 1, 2 , Jacques Brodeur 2 , Maria Cristina Foti 1 , Alfonso Agrò 1 , Stefano Colazza 1 , Ezio Peri 1

Zoophytophagous insect predators can induce physiological responses in plants by activating defence signalling pathways, but whether plants can respond to facultative phytophagy by recruiting natural enemies remains to be investigated. In Y-tube olfactometer bioassays, using a system including a Vicia faba plant, the zoophytophagous predator Podisus maculiventris and the egg parasitoid Telenomus podisi, we first demonstrated that T. podisi females are attracted by broad bean plants damaged by feeding activity of P. maculiventris and on which host egg masses had been laid, while they are not attracted by undamaged plants or plants damaged by feeding activity alone. In a second experiment, we evaluated the impact of the invasive phytophagous pest Halyomorpha halys on this plant volatile-mediated tritrophic communication. Results showed that the invasive herbivorous adults do not induce plants to recruit the native egg parasitoid, but they can disrupt the local infochemical network. In fact, T. podisi females are not attracted by volatiles emitted by plants damaged by H. halys feeding alone or combined with oviposition activity, nor are they attracted by plants concurrently infested by P. maculiventris and H. halys, indicating the specificity in the parasitoid response and the ability of the invasive herbivore in interrupting the semiochemical communication between plants and native egg parasitoids. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study showing that zoophytophagous predator attacks induce indirect plant defences similarly to those defence strategies adopted by plants as a consequence of single or concurrent infestations of herbivorous insects.



食虫性昆虫捕食者可以通过激活防御信号通路诱导植物的生理反应,但是植物是否可以通过招募天敌来响应兼性植物吞噬尚待研究。在Y型管嗅仪生物测定法中,使用包括蚕豆蚕豆植物,食草食肉动物捕食者Podisus maculiventris和卵寄生寄生动物Telenomus podisi在内的系统,我们首先证明了豆荚T T. podisi雌性被蚕豆所吸引,这些蚕豆因蚕食P. maculiventris的摄食活动而受到破坏。以及在其上产卵的寄主卵,而未被未损坏的植物或仅受摄食活动损害的植物所吸引。在第二个实验中,我们评估了侵袭性植物吞噬性有害生物Halyomorpha halys对这种植物挥发物介导的三营养交流的影响。结果表明,侵入性草食性成虫不会诱导植物募集天然卵类寄生虫,但会破坏当地的信息化学网络。事实上,T。podisi雌性既不被单独供食或与产卵活动结合的被H. halys破坏的植物释放的挥发物所吸引,也不被被P. maculiventris和H. halys侵染的植物所吸引,表明该植物的特异性。寄生虫的反应以及侵入性草食动物中断植物与天然卵寄生虫之间的化学信息交流的能力。据我们所知,这是第一项研究,表明食草性捕食者的攻击诱导了植物的间接防御,类似于食草昆虫单次或同时侵染导致植物采取的防御策略。