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Orthorhombic Nb2O5-x for Durable High-Rate Anode of Li-Ion Batteries.
iScience ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.100767
Zichao Liu 1 , Wujie Dong 2 , Jianbo Wang 1 , Chenlong Dong 1 , Yue Lin 3 , I-Wei Chen 4 , Fuqiang Huang 5

Li4Ti5O12 anode can operate at extraordinarily high rates and for a very long time, but it suffers from a relatively low capacity. This has motivated much research on Nb2O5 as an alternative. In this work, we present a scalable chemical processing strategy that maintains the size and morphology of nano-crystal precursor but systematically reconstitutes the unit cell composition, to build defect-rich porous orthorhombic Nb2O5-x with a high-rate capacity many times those of commercial anodes. The procedure includes etching, proton ion exchange, calcination, and reduction, and the resulting Nb2O5-x has a capacity of 253 mA h g−1 at 0.5C, 187 mA h g−1 at 25C, and 130 mA h g−1 at 100C, with 93.3% of the 25C capacity remaining after cycling for 4,000 times. These values are much higher than those reported for Nb2O5 and Li4Ti5O12, thanks to more available surface/sub-surface reaction sites and significantly improved fast ion and electron conductivity.



Li 4 Ti 5 O 12阳极可以极高的速率运行很长时间,但容量却相对较低。这激发了对Nb 2 O 5作为替代品的大量研究。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种可扩展的化学加工策略,该策略可以维持纳米晶体前体的大小和形态,但可以系统地重构晶胞组成,从而以高倍率构建富缺陷的多孔正交正交Nb 2 O 5 - x。是商用阳极的两倍。该过程包括蚀刻,质子离子交换,煅烧和还原,以及所得的Nb 2 O 5x在0.5C下具有253 mA hg -1的容量,在25C下具有187 mA hg -1的容量,在100C下具有130 mA hg -1的容量,循环4,000次后仍保留253.3C容量的93.3%。这些值比Nb 2 O 5和Li 4 Ti 5 O 12的报告值高得多,这归功于更多的可用表面/次表面反应位点以及显着改善的快速离子和电子电导率。
