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The green peach aphid gut contains host plant microRNAs identified by comprehensive annotation of Brassica oleracea small RNA data.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-11 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-54488-1
Max C Thompson 1 , Honglin Feng 1, 2 , Stefan Wuchty 1, 3, 4, 5 , Alex C C Wilson 1

Like all organisms, aphids, plant sap-sucking insects that house a bacterial endosymbiont called Buchnera, are members of a species interaction network. Ecological interactions across such networks can result in phenotypic change in network members mediated by molecular signals, like microRNAs. Here, we interrogated small RNA data from the aphid, Myzus persicae, to determine the source of reads that did not map to the aphid or Buchnera genomes. Our analysis revealed that the pattern was largely explained by reads that mapped to the host plant, Brassica oleracea, and a facultative symbiont, Regiella. To start elucidating the function of plant small RNA in aphid gut, we annotated 213 unique B. oleracea miRNAs; 32/213 were present in aphid gut as mature and star miRNAs. Next, we predicted targets in the B. oleracea and M. persicae genomes for these 32 plant miRNAs. We found that plant targets were enriched for genes associated with transcription, while the distribution of targets in the aphid genome was similar to the functional distribution of all genes in the aphid genome. We discuss the potential of plant miRNAs to regulate aphid gene expression and the mechanisms involved in processing, export and uptake of plant miRNAs by aphids.



像所有生物一样,蚜虫是一种植物相互作用网络的成员,蚜虫是一种植物内吸液昆虫,里面有一种叫做布氏菌的内共生细菌。跨此类网络的生态相互作用可导致由分子信号(如microRNA)介导的网络成员的表型变化。在这里,我们询问了蚜虫Myzus persicae的小RNA数据,以确定未映射到蚜虫或Buchnera基因组的读段来源。我们的分析表明,该模式很大程度上由定位于寄主植物芸苔和兼性共生体雷吉拉的读段解释。为了阐明植物小RNA在蚜虫肠道中的功能,我们对213种独特的油菜双歧杆菌miRNA进行了注释;32/213作为成熟的miRNA和星形miRNA存在于蚜虫肠道中。接下来,我们预测了油菜双歧杆菌和M. oleracea中的靶标。这32种植物miRNA的persicae基因组。我们发现植物靶标富含与转录相关的基因,而蚜虫基因组中靶标的分布与蚜虫基因组中所有基因的功能分布相似。我们讨论了植物miRNA调节蚜虫基因表达的潜力,以及参与蚜虫加工,输出和摄取植物miRNA的机制。