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Highly Responsive Ultraviolet Sensor Based on ZnS Quantum Dot Solid with Enhanced Photocurrent.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-10 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-55097-8
Sellan Premkumar 1, 2, 3 , Devaraj Nataraj 1, 4 , Ganapathi Bharathi 1 , Subramaniam Ramya 1 , T Daniel Thangadurai 5

Detection of visible blind UV radiation is not only interesting but also of technologically important. Herein, we demonstrate the efficient detection of UV radiation by using cluster like ZnS quantum dot solid nanostructures prepared by simple reflux condensation technique. The short-chain ligand 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) involved in the synthesis lead to the cluster like formation of ZnS quantum dots into solids upon prolonged synthesis conditions. The ZnS QD solid formation resulted in the strong delocalization of electronic wave function between the neighboring quantum dots. It increases the photocurrent value, which can be further confirmed by the decrease in the average lifetime values from 64 to 4.6 ns upon ZnS cluster like QD solid formation from ZnS QDs. The ZnS quantum dot solid based UV sensor shows good photocurrent response and a maximum responsivity of 0.31 (A/W) at a wavelength of 390 nm, is not only competitive when compared with previous reports but also better than ZnS and metal oxide-based photodetectors. The device exhibits a high current value under low-intensity UV light source and an on/off ratio of IUV/Idark = 413 at zero biasing voltage with a fast response. Further, photocurrent device has been constructed using ZnS quantum dot solid nanostructures with graphene hybrids as an active layer to improve the enhancement of photoresponsivity.



可见的可见紫外线辐射的检测不仅很有趣,而且在技术上也很重要。在这里,我们展示了通过使用簇状的ZnS量子点固体纳米结构(通过简单的回流缩合技术制备)可有效检测紫外线。在延长的合成条件下,参与合成的短链配体3-巯基丙酸(MPA)导致簇状ZnS量子点形成为固体。ZnS QD固体形成导致相邻量子点之间电子波函数的强烈离域。它增加了光电流值,这可以通过在ZnS簇上平均寿命值从64 ns减少到4.6 ns进一步确认,如ZnS QD形成QD固体一样。基于ZnS量子点固体的UV传感器在39​​0 nm波长下显示出良好的光电流响应和最大响应度0.31(A / W),不仅与以前的报道相比具有竞争力,而且比ZnS和基于金属氧化物的光电探测器更好。该器件在低强度紫外光源下显示出高电流值,并且在零偏置电压下具有快速响应的IUV / Idark = 413的开/关比。此外,已经使用ZnS量子点固体纳米结构与石墨烯杂化物作为活性层来构造光电流器件,以改善光响应性的增强。该器件在低强度紫外光源下显示出高电流值,并且在零偏置电压下具有快速响应的IUV / Idark = 413的开/关比。此外,已经使用ZnS量子点固体纳米结构与石墨烯杂化物作为活性层来构造光电流器件,以改善光响应性的增强。该器件在低强度紫外光源下显示出高电流值,并且在零偏置电压下具有快速响应的IUV / Idark = 413的开/关比。此外,已经使用ZnS量子点固体纳米结构与石墨烯杂化物作为活性层来构造光电流器件,以改善光响应性的增强。