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Unlocking the High Redox Activity of MoS2 on Dual-doped Graphene as a Superior Piezocatalyst
Nano Energy ( IF 16.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104366
Meilan Pan , Subiao Liu , Jia Wei Chew

The need for highly efficient and environmentally friendly catalysts for pollutants removal sustainably has drawn extensive attention. In particular, piezocatalysis is promising for harnessing low-frequency vibration (e.g., wind) to enable high-performance degradation of organic pollutants. Herein, we synthesized a sandwich-like piezocatalyst by fabricating MoS2 nanosheets onto S, N-codoped graphene (MoS2@SNG) through a facile hydrothermal strategy. Results indicate that the MoS2@SNG exhibited ultrahigh piezocatalytic activities for both oxidation and reduction degradation of pollutants. Benefiting from the reduced stacking of MoS2 nanosheets and accelerated electron transfer of heterogeneous graphene, MoS2@SNG had a sharply enhanced electric field (i.e., 29.3 mV of MoS2@SNG versus 4.7 mV of MoS2). Moreover, the abundance of active sites of Mo4+ being exposed over MoS2@SNG remarkably promoted the redox reaction. This study provided evidence that layered piezoelectric materials represent an attractive strategy for environmental remediation.



对于可持续地去除污染物的高效和环保催化剂的需求已引起广泛关注。特别地,压电催化有望利用低频振动(例如风)来实现有机污染物的高性能降解。在这里,我们通过一种简便的水热策略,通过将MoS 2纳米片制造到S,N掺杂的石墨烯(MoS 2 @SNG)上,合成了一种三明治状的压电催化剂。结果表明,MoS 2 @SNG对污染物的氧化和还原降解均表现出超高的压电催化活性。受益于MoS 2纳米片堆叠减少和异质石墨烯MoS 2加速电子转移@SNG有急剧增强电场(即硫化钼毫伏,29.3 2 @SNG与MO的4.7毫伏2)。此外,暴露于MoS 2 @SNG的大量Mo 4+活性位点显着促进了氧化还原反应。这项研究提供了证据,表明层状压电材料代表了一种有吸引力的环境修复策略。
