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High-Pressure Synthesis and Crystal Structure of MoC-Type Tungsten Nitride by Nitridation with Ammonium Chloride.
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b01945
Takuya Sasaki 1 , Takahide Ikoma 1 , Kazuki Sago 2 , Zheng Liu 3 , Ken Niwa 1 , Tetsu Ohsuna 1 , Masashi Hasegawa 1

A novel tungsten nitride, MoC-type WN, was synthesized at 6 GPa and 1200 °C via nitridation of tungsten by ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source. This compound is isostructural with γ'-MoC, which has a hexagonal structure with a space group of P63/mmc (No. 194). Micrometer-sized single crystals of MoC-type WN were grown in molten ammonium chloride flux. In addition, NaCl-type WN and WC-type WN were synthesized via nitridation by ammonium chloride at 6 GPa and 1000 °C. Ammonium chloride is appropriate as a nitrogen source for nitride synthesis under high pressure. The new WN phase crystallizes in the hexagonal structure with unit cell parameters of a = 2.89248(2) Å and c = 10.17069(7) Å. The chemical formula of MoC-type WN refined by the Rietveld analysis from powder X-ray diffraction data was WN0.60(1). The zero-pressure bulk modulus, K0, of MoC-type WN was determined to be 338(3) GPa, which can be expected to be a hard material.



通过以氯化铵为氮源对钨进行氮化,在6 GPa和1200°C的温度下合成了一种新型的氮化钨MoC型WN。该化合物与γ'-MoC是同构结构,具有六边形结构,空间群为P63 / mmc(编号194)。MoC型WN的微米级单晶在熔融氯化铵助熔剂中生长。另外,通过氯化铵在6 GPa和1000°C的条件下进行氮化,合成了NaCl型WN和WC型WN。氯化铵适合作为高压下氮化物合成的氮源。新的WN相以六边形结构结晶,晶胞参数为a = 2.89248(2)Å和c = 10.17069(7)Å。通过Rietveld分析从粉末X射线衍射数据中纯化得到的MoC型WN的化学分子式为WN0.60(1)。零压力体积模量K0