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The C-Fern (Ceratopteris richardii) genome: insights into plant genome evolution with the first partial homosporous fern genome assembly.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53968-8
D Blaine Marchant 1, 2, 3 , Emily B Sessa 2, 4 , Paul G Wolf 5, 6 , Kweon Heo 7 , W Brad Barbazuk 2, 4 , Pamela S Soltis 3, 4, 8 , Douglas E Soltis 2, 3, 4, 8

Ferns are notorious for possessing large genomes and numerous chromosomes. Despite decades of speculation, the processes underlying the expansive genomes of ferns are unclear, largely due to the absence of a sequenced homosporous fern genome. The lack of this crucial resource has not only hindered investigations of evolutionary processes responsible for the unusual genome characteristics of homosporous ferns, but also impeded synthesis of genome evolution across land plants. Here, we used the model fern species Ceratopteris richardii to address the processes (e.g., polyploidy, spread of repeat elements) by which the large genomes and high chromosome numbers typical of homosporous ferns may have evolved and have been maintained. We directly compared repeat compositions in species spanning the green plant tree of life and a diversity of genome sizes, as well as both short- and long-read-based assemblies of Ceratopteris. We found evidence consistent with a single ancient polyploidy event in the evolutionary history of Ceratopteris based on both genomic and cytogenetic data, and on repeat proportions similar to those found in large flowering plant genomes. This study provides a major stepping-stone in the understanding of land plant evolutionary genomics by providing the first homosporous fern reference genome, as well as insights into the processes underlying the formation of these massive genomes.


C-Fern(Ceratopteris richardii)基因组:通过首次部分同孢蕨基因组组装深入了解植物基因组进化。

蕨类植物因拥有庞大的基因组和大量染色体而臭名昭著。尽管经过数十年的猜测,蕨类植物庞大基因组的背后过程仍不清楚,这主要是由于缺乏已测序的同孢子蕨基因组。这种重要资源的缺乏不仅阻碍了对同孢子蕨类植物异常基因组特征的进化过程的研究,而且阻碍了陆地植物基因组进化的综合。在这里,我们使用模式蕨类物种Ceratopteris richardii来解决同孢蕨类典型的大基因组和高染色体数量可能进化并维持的过程(例如,多倍体、重复元件的传播)。我们直接比较了跨越绿色植物生命树的物种的重复组成和基因组大小的多样性,以及角蕨属的基于短读长和长读长的组装。基于基因组和细胞遗传学数据,以及与大型开花植物基因组中发现的重复比例相似的重复比例,我们发现了与角蕨进化史上单个古代多倍体事件一致的证据。这项研究通过提供第一个同孢子蕨类参考基因组,以及对这些大规模基因组形成过程的深入了解,为理解陆地植物进化基因组学奠定了重要的基础。