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Dual-emitting CsPbX3@ZJU-28 (X=Cl, Br, I) Composites with Enhanced Stability and Unique Optical Properties for Multifunctional Applications
Chemical Engineering Journal ( IF 13.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2019.123622
Jiejun Ren , Xiaopeng Zhou , Yuhua Wang

Currently, all-inorganic CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br, and I) perovskite quantum dots (QDs) receive great attention due to their spectacular characteristics and optical properties. However, the stability problem greatly restricts the applicability of CsPbX3 QDs. Herein, a novel protection strategy is reported by in-situ growth of CsPbX3 QDs in the mesoporous blue-emitting indium-based metal organic frameworks (ZJU-28). Accordingly, the CsPbX3@ZJU-28 composites possess dual-emission with broad band blue light emission ascribed to π-π* transitions of organic ligands in ZJU-28 and a distinctive narrow peak attributed to the excitonic emission of CsPbX3 QDs. Intriguingly, the CsPbX3@ZJU-28 exhibited both excitation-wavelength dependent and temperature dependent luminescence properties, which make the composites promising for potential application in anti-counterfeiting and temperature sensing. In addition, the ZJU-28 matrix encapsulation give CsPbX3 QDs greatly improved stability, which makes them attractive in LED applications. Therefore, this work will broaden the applicability of CsPbX3 QDs in multifunctional applications, such as anti-counterfeiting, temperature sensing and LEDs.


具有增强的稳定性和独特的光学性能的双发射CsPbX 3 @ ZJU -28(X = Cl,Br,I)复合材料,适用于多功能应用

目前,全无机CsPbX 3(X = Cl,Br和I)钙钛矿量子点(QDs)由于其引人注目的特性和光学特性而备受关注。但是,稳定性问题极大地限制了CsPbX 3 QD的适用性。本文中,通过在介孔蓝光发射铟基金属有机骨架(ZJU-28)中CsPbX 3 QD的原位生长,报道了一种新颖的保护策略。因此,CsPbX 3 @ ZJU -28复合材料具有双发射,宽带蓝光发射归因于ZJU-28中有机配体的π-π*跃迁,并具有归因于CsPbX 3 QD激子发射的独特窄峰。有趣的是,CsPbX 3ZJU-28既显示出激发波长相关的发光特性,又显示出温度相关的发光特性,这使得该复合材料有望在防伪和温度感测中得到潜在的应用。此外,ZJU-28矩阵封装使CsPbX 3 QD的稳定性大大提高,这使其在LED应用中具有吸引力。因此,这项工作将扩大CsPbX 3 QD在防伪,温度感应和LED等多功能应用中的适用性。
