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Constructing Multifunctional Heterostructure of Fe2O3@Ni3Se4 Nanotubes
Small ( IF 13.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-12 , DOI: 10.1002/smll.201704065
Penglun Zheng 1, 2 , Yu Zhang 2 , Zhengfei Dai 2 , Yun Zheng 2 , Khang Ngoc Dinh 2 , Jun Yang 2 , Raksha Dangol 2 , Xiaobo Liu 1 , Qingyu Yan 2

Heterostructures have attracted increasing attention due to their amazing synergetic effects, which may improve the electrochemical properties, such as good electrical/ionic conductivity, electrochemical activity, and mechanical stability. Herein, novel hierarchical Fe2O3@Ni3Se4 nanotubes are successfully fabricated by a multistep strategy. The nanotubes show length sizes of ≈250–500 nm, diameter sizes of ≈100–150 nm, and wall thicknesses of ≈10 nm. The as‐prepared Fe2O3@Ni3Se4 nanotubes with INi:Fe = 1:10 show excellent Li storage properties (897 mAh g−1 high reversible charge capacity at 0.1 A g−1), good rate performance (440 mAh g−1 at 5 A g−1), and outstanding long‐term cycling performance (440 mAh g−1 at 5 A g−1 during the 300th cycle) as an anode material for lithium ion batteries. In addition, the Fe2O3@Ni3Se4 nanotubes with INi:Fe = 1:10 (the atomic ratio between Ni and Fe) show superior electrocatalytic performance toward the oxygen evolution reaction with an overpotential of only 246 mV at 10 mA cm−2 and a low Tafel slope of 51 mV dec−1 in 1 m KOH solution.


Fe2O3 @ Ni3Se4纳米管的多功能异质结构的构建

异质结构由于其惊人的协同作用而受到越来越多的关注,这可以改善电化学性能,例如良好的电/离子电导率,电化学活性和机械稳定性。在此,通过多步策略成功地制备了新颖的分层Fe 2 O 3 @Ni 3 Se 4纳米管。纳米管的长度尺寸约为250–500 nm,直径尺寸约为100–150 nm,壁厚约为10 nm。I Ni:Fe = 1:10的Fe 2 O 3 @Ni 3 Se 4纳米管具有优异的Li储存性能(897 mAh g -1在0.1 A克高的可逆充电容量-1),良好的倍率性能(440毫安克-1在5 A G -1),以及突出的长期循环性能(440毫安克-1在5 A G -1时的第300次循环)作为锂离子电池的负极材料。此外,具有I Ni:Fe = 1:10(Ni和Fe之间的原子比)的Fe 2 O 3 @Ni 3 Se 4纳米管对氧的释放反应表现出优异的电催化性能,在10℃时的超电势仅为246 mV。 mA cm -2和1 mF的低Tafel斜率dec -1 in 1 m KOH溶液。