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Enhanced degradation of triclosan by cobalt manganese spinel-type oxide activated peroxymonosulfate oxidation process via sulfate radicals and singlet oxygen: Mechanisms and intermediates identification.
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134715
Zhiping Chen 1 , Sijing Bi 1 , Guangyi Zhao 1 , Yuancai Chen 1 , Yongyou Hu 1

Spinel is a kind of desirable catalyst to activate peroxymonosulfate (PMS) for chemical oxidation of organic contaminants in wastewater treatment. However, apart from classic sulfate radical based AOPs (SR-AOPs), the generation and oxidative pathways of singlet oxygen (1O2) by Co/Mn spinels have been little explored in PMS catalysis. In this study, spinel-type oxide Co2Mn1O4 was successfully synthesized, and used as highly effective catalyst in PMS activation for heterogeneous degradation of TCS (up to 96.4% within 30 min) at initial pH of 6.8, which was also slightly impacted by coexisting ions. Based on radical scavengers and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments, sulfate radicals and singlet oxygen (1O2) were unveiled to be the dominant reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Co2Mn1O4/PMS system. Co2Mn1O4 catalyst exhibited reversible redox properties based on the results of cyclic voltammetry (CV). More importantly, the generation of 1O2 might not only promote the TCS removal rate directly, but also facilitate the metal redox cycle in spinel structure in Co2Mn1O4/PMS system. Finally, degradation pathways of TCS in Co2Mn1O4/PMS system were proposed, which involved the breakage of ether bond and cycloaddition reaction.



尖晶石是一种理想的催化剂,可以活化过氧单硫酸盐(PMS),用于废水处理中有机污染物的化学氧化。但是,除了经典的基于硫酸根的AOP(SR-AOP)以外,在PMS催化中还很少探索Co / Mn尖晶石产生单线态氧(1O2)的途径和氧化途径。在这项研究中,成功​​合成了尖晶石型氧化物Co2Mn1O4,并用作PMS活化的高效催化剂,用于在初始pH值为6.8时TCS的异质降解(在30分钟内高达96.4%),这也受到共存离子的轻微影响。 。基于自由基清除剂和电子顺磁共振(EPR)实验,硫酸根和单线态氧(1O2)被揭示为Co2Mn1O4 / PMS系统中的主要活性氧(ROS)。基于循环伏安法(CV)的结果,Co2Mn1O4催化剂表现出可逆的氧化还原特性。更重要的是,生成1O2不仅可以直接提高TCS的去除率,而且可以促进Co2Mn1O4 / PMS系统中尖晶石结构中的金属氧化还原循环。最后,提出了TCS在Co2Mn1O4 / PMS体系中的降解途径,该途径涉及醚键的断裂和环加成反应。