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Improved enzymatic assay for hydrogen peroxide and glucose by exploiting the enzyme-mimicking properties of BSA-coated platinum nanoparticles
Microchimica Acta ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3939-y
Shao-Bin He 1 , Rui-Ting Chen 1 , Yan-Yu Wu 1 , Gang-Wei Wu 1, 2 , Hua-Ping Peng 1 , Ai-Lin Liu 1 , Hao-Hua Deng 1 , Xing-Hua Xia 3 , Wei Chen 1

Platinum nanoparticles (Pt NPs) covered with a bovine serum albumin scaffold and a particle size of 1.5 nm (BSA-PtS NPs) are shown to display enhanced multiple enzyme-mimicking activities including peroxidase, oxidase, and catalase-like activities. The peroxidase-like activity is characterized by robustness and low signal background. BSA-PtS NPs were used to design colorimetric assays for H2O2 and glucose. H2O2 latter reacts with 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine in the presence of BSA-PtS NPs to form a blue product with an absorption maximum at 652 nm. The assay works in the 5–250 μM H2O2 concentration range. The glucose assay is based on its glucose oxidase-catalyzed oxidation to produce gluconic acid and H2O2 which then is colorimetrically quantified. Response is linear in the 10–120 μM glucose concentration range, and the detection limit is 2 μM (at S/N = 3). The method correlates well with the glucose standard method (R2 = 0.997 in the 95% confidence interval) which confirms that glucose in human serum has been successfully detected. Graphical abstract Improved enzymatic assay for hydrogen peroxide and glucose by exploiting the enzyme-mimicking properties of BSA-coated platinum nanoparticles. Improved enzymatic assay for hydrogen peroxide and glucose by exploiting the enzyme-mimicking properties of BSA-coated platinum nanoparticles.


通过利用 BSA 包覆的铂纳米颗粒的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定

用牛血清白蛋白支架覆盖的铂纳米颗粒 (Pt NPs) 和 1.5 nm 的粒径 (BSA-PtS NPs) 显示出增强的多种酶模拟活性,包括过氧化物酶、氧化酶和过氧化氢酶样活性。过氧化物酶样活性的特点是稳健性和低信号背景。BSA-PtS NPs 用于设计 H2O2 和葡萄糖的比色分析。H2O2 后者在 BSA-PtS NPs 存在下与 3,3',5,5'-四甲基联苯胺反应,形成蓝色产物,在 652 nm 处具有最大吸收。该测定在 5–250 μM H2O2 浓度范围内工作。葡萄糖测定基于其葡萄糖氧化酶催化氧化产生葡萄糖酸和 H2O2,然后进行比色定量。响应在 10–120 μM 葡萄糖浓度范围内呈线性,检测限为 2 μM(S/N = 3)。该方法与葡萄糖标准方法(在 95% 置信区间内,R2 = 0.997)具有很好的相关性,该方法证实已成功检测到人血清中的葡萄糖。图形摘要通过利用 BSA 涂层铂纳米粒子的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定。通过利用 BSA 包覆的铂纳米粒子的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定。图形摘要通过利用 BSA 涂层铂纳米粒子的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定。通过利用 BSA 包覆的铂纳米颗粒的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定。图形摘要通过利用 BSA 涂层铂纳米粒子的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定。通过利用 BSA 包覆的铂纳米粒子的酶模拟特性改进过氧化氢和葡萄糖的酶促测定。