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Rewritable Optical Memory Based on Sign Switching of Magnetoresistance
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-13 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201900701
Anpeng He 1 , Guozhen Liu 1 , Hao Lu 1, 2 , Run Zhao 1 , Ju Gao 3 , Quanying Wu 1 , Changcheng Zheng 4 , Yucheng Jiang 1 , Liang Li 2

Discovering ways to control magnetic states by light is very attractive for prospective applications of optical–magnetic sensing and recording. Although several studies have demonstrated the light‐induced switching of magnetization, the magnetoresistance effect was seldom thought to depend on light illumination. A light‐induced magnetoresistance sign switching the resulting writable optical memory are described. A practical method is developed to form a p‐n junction at the interface of a p‐type amorphous carbon film and a quasi‐2D electron gas on an SrTiO3 surface. When illuminated, the as‐formed junction exhibits a clear transition from positive to negative magnetoresistance. A change of optical intensity influences the response time, but not the final value of the negative magnetoresistance. It is also found that, after a light pulse, the negative magnetoresistance state tends to persist, indicating a longstanding memory for an optical signal. This points to a new direction for studying light‐induced magnetoresistance switching, which could lead to the development of new memory devices.



发现光控制磁态的方法对于光磁感测和记录的预期应用非常有吸引力。尽管一些研究已经证明了光诱导的磁化强度的转换,但是人们很少认为磁阻效应取决于光的照射。描述了光感应磁阻符号切换生成的可写光学存储器。开发了一种实用的方法来在SrTiO 3上的ap型非晶碳膜和准2D电子气的界面上形成ap-n结表面。照亮后,形成的结表现出从正磁阻到负磁阻的清晰过渡。光强度的变化会影响响应时间,但不会影响负磁阻的最终值。还发现,在光脉冲之后,负磁阻状态趋于持续,这表明对光信号的长期记忆。这为研究光致磁阻开关提供了一个新的方向,这可能会导致新的存储设备的发展。