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Connecting Crop Productivity, Residue Fires, and Air Quality over Northern India.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52799-x
Hiren Jethva 1, 2 , Omar Torres 2 , Robert D Field 3 , Alexei Lyapustin 2 , Ritesh Gautam 4 , Vinay Kayetha 5

Northwestern India is known as the "breadbasket" of the country producing two-thirds of food grains, with wheat and rice as the principal crops grown under the crop rotation system. Agricultural data from India indicates a 25% increase in the post-monsoon rice crop production in Punjab during 2002-2016. NASA's A-train satellite sensors detect a consistent increase in the vegetation index (net 21%) and post-harvest agricultural fire activity (net ~60%) leading to nearly 43% increase in aerosol loading over the populous Indo-Gangetic Plain in northern India. The ground-level particulate matter (PM2.5) downwind over New Delhi shows a concurrent uptrend of net 60%. The effectiveness of a robust satellite-based relationship between vegetation index-a proxy for crop amounts, and post-harvest fires-a precursor of extreme air pollution events, has been further demonstrated in predicting the seasonal agricultural burning. An efficient crop residue management system is critically needed towards eliminating open field burning to mitigate episodic hazardous air quality over northern India.



印度西北部被称为“粮仓”,生产全国三分之二的粮食,其中小麦和水稻是轮作制度下种植的主要作物。印度农业数据显示,2002 年至 2016 年期间,旁遮普邦季风后稻米作物产量增加了 25%。 NASA 的 A-train 卫星传感器检测到植被指数(净值增加 21%)和收获后农业火灾活动(净值约 60%)持续增加,导致北部人口稠密的印度恒河平原的气溶胶含量增加近 43%印度。新德里顺风的地面颗粒物 (PM2.5) 显示出同时净上升 60% 的趋势。植被指数(农作物数量的代表)与收获后火灾(极端空气污染事件的前兆)之间基于卫星的强大关系在预测季节性农业燃烧方面已得到进一步证明。为了消除露天燃烧,缓解印度北部偶发的有害空气质量,迫切需要一个高效的农作物残留物管理系统。