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Synthesis of Bioderived Cinnolines and Their Flow-Based Conversion into 1,4-Dihydrocinnoline Derivatives
Synlett ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-12 , DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1690752
Jonathan Devlin , Richard Clogher , Marcus Baumann 1

Starting from phenylhydrazine and glucose, a versatile cinnoline scaffold was obtained on a multigram scale and further derivatized. A simple continuous-flow hydrogenation process permits the conversion of selected cinnolines into their 1,4-dihydrocinnoline counterparts. These products are generated in high yields and high purities with residence times of less than one minute and, along with their cinnoline precursors, are expected to serve as valuable heterocyclic building blocks for future medicinal chemistry programs.


生物衍生肉桂碱的合成及其向 1,4-二氢肉桂碱衍生物的基于流动的转化

从苯肼和葡萄糖开始,以多克规模获得了多功能肉桂碱支架并进一步衍生化。一个简单的连续流氢化工艺允许将选定的肉桂碱转化为它们的 1,4-二氢肉桂碱对应物。这些产品以高产率和高纯度生产,停留时间不到一分钟,并且与它们的肉桂碱前体一起,有望作为未来药物化学计划的宝贵杂环构件。